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Ae's POV:

The day that should have brought lot of happiness brought grief to my heart. Seeing Pete in this condition was making me feel like someone was piercing needles into my heart and making it bleed. I moved closer to Pete and brushed the bangs covering his eyes. I can see the dried stains of tears on the beautiful face.

I cupped his cheeks and slowly caressed them. I can feel Pete getting relaxed and letting me take care of him. "Is it paining a lot?" I asked. He nodded in response and then looked past me. I turned my head in the direction he was looking only to find por opening the door.

"Am I allowed to enter?" Por asked. "Por!! You don't have to ask..." I said and turned back to Pete. I can see that my kitten was trying to sit up and before I could say a word, Por hurried forward while saying, "Please lie down. You need rest. Doctor has asked not to give you much trouble."

"How are you feeling Pete?" por inquired as he came closer to my kitten. "Better..." Pete replied in his low voice. "Well, that relieves me. You don't have to worry now, no one will be able to hurt you. We will keep you safe." Por assured.

I saw a small smile creeping onto Pete's face as he heard those words. "Take rest dear. I'll come to visit you later." Por said getting ready to leave. "You are leaving already?" I questioned. "Yes... There's urgent meeting. Besides, I had come here to make sure that Pete had arrived safely and Weir didn't dare to harm either of you. Since you both are safe, it's time to take next step." Por spoke.

Por had decided that he will start all the legal procedures as soon as Pete is out of clutches of Weir. Pete's birthday was just three weeks away and we had to arrange everything before that. "Alright por. See you soon." I said while getting up to accompany him.

"Sit down my boy!! I am not that old that you have to take care of me. Right now, Pete needs you. I'll ask James to send some breakfast for both of you." Por stated making me stay in my place. "Pete, take care of yourself and don't stress." He said and then began walking towards the door.

"Be careful!!" I shouted from where I was. "I always am!!" he replied. This old man!! He still had that confidence that he can destroy an entire gang in blink of an eye. He still calls me kid even though am grown up and of legal age!! Pfft!!!

I diverted my attention to the person who was now lying on the bed. "So, you didn't pick up the call because you were hurt?" I inquired. "Yes... I was happy because you were going to come and I packed my stuff. But then, yesterday, por came and told me to get ready because he had some meeting. I thought it must be you so I happily followed por out of the room. But when I finally reached the place, I saw the same uncle who had hurt me earlier. And then...... he did what he wanted to do and left. It was very painful and I wasn't even able to walk properly. Por ordered the guards to take me to my room and lock it from outside. They threw me inside the room and closed the door. I was crying in pain and then I didn't come to know when I felt asleep." He narrated the happenings of the earlier day.

How ruthless can a man be? Weir has crossed all his limits to be even called a human. Even though I had told him that I am going to take Pete to my place for a month and paid him more money, he still tried to use him as his clown. Was it just hunger for money or was he some sick psychopath?

I can see Pete crying again as he recalled all that had happened the earlier day. "Ssshhh... clam down kitten... Now no one will ever hurt you." I assured.

There was a knock on the door and I turned my head towards the sound only to find James walking in with the tray. He placed it on the bedside table and left. I helped my kitten sit up and grabbed the tray and placed it on the bed.

I picked up the bowl of soup and then scooped a little amount in spoon. I can see the steam coming out and knew that it was really hot. I blew for a while to cool it down before finally moving to feed my kitten. He looked at me blinking his eyes as I held the spoon in front of his mouth.

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