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Hello sweethearts, I am sorry for delayed update but I am not feeling well. I still tried to update though. Please forgive me for my mistakes and apologies for the late update.


Ae's POV:

I looked at the two people seated in front of por. One of them smirked while the other ignored. I turned my gaze towards my father who was looking at me with questioning eyes. "Why are they here?" I inquired. "That should be my question.... Why are they here?" por shot back.

I looked at the two and I can see a smug expression on their faces. Wait till I get out of por's cabin, I'll teach you rats a lesson. "I don't know." I replied. "Pete, do you know them?" Por asked kitten who stood beside me.

"Yes khrab... I know them. They are Can and Pond." Pete replied. "Oh!! You already know them!! Now Ae, explain to me your behavior." Por commanded. I looked at por and back towards Pete who was looking at me with confused face.

"Err... They visited my place without notifying me." I replied. "Is that it? How many times has it happened earlier?" por asked. "Many times..." I replied realizing that por is going to get hold of me now. No por... Not in front of Pete!!

"So, if they have done it earlier, what makes the difference now Ae? Aren't they your friend anymore?" Por questioned. I felt guilty realizing that I have been really rude to them. "I-I don't know... I am just worried. I don't know how to explain it." I replied.

"You know why it happened in first place? Because you have been avoiding them from last few days. Ae, I agree that you are busy but you should make sure that you talk to them. They are your friends and well-wishers. They have been with you in your ups and downs. You can't just ignore them because you have something really important. Do you think they would have done what they did if you would have let them know about what you are up to right now?" Por spoke, hitting the reality like a brutal slap on my face.

"Whatever it is, I want it to be sorted out right now. Go to the practice room and talk it out. I don't want any more questions. And Pete will stay with me while you do your talk." Por deadpanned. I nodded in reply and then walked out of the place followed by the duo.

I walked towards the practice room with them trailing behind me. I entered the place and walked towards the furthest point trying to sort out how to start the conversation. "Spill!!" I heard Can's voice from behind.

I turned around to face them. "Guys... Look... I am sorry... I know I have been a complete asshole and I shouldn't have behaved that way but please try to understand. When it comes to Pete I am being overprotective. I don't know why I am feeling so but I feel like keeping him away from everyone. I don't want anyone to hurt him. I am just......" I wanted to explain more but I didn't know how actually to say those things out.

"Ae, we have been friends since childhood. Do you think we would try to hurt someone who means so much to you?" Pond said while looking at me. I felt even more guilty than I already was. "No... But it's like..." I couldn't quite understand how to make things clear between us so I decided to tell them the whole incident.

I narrated them everything about how I met Pete and what my kitten had been through. Of course, I skipped the details while narrating them. I also told them what me and por had to do in order to get Pete out of that dungeon.

"Ae, you should have trusted us in this matter. We only wanted to help you. And I am sorry for our mistakes. We were just worried that you are going through something serious and don't want to involve us. But we were surprised to meet Pete at your place." Pond cleared. I know this bastard friend of mine was the bestest of all. He was always concerned about me. I have seen him choosing to stay beside me on my mother's death anniversary and cancelling his date. Even though I showed that I didn't look bothered, I was always happy to have him with me. His cheerful mood and playful comments always lifted my mood up.

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