2-karl jacobs

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A few minutes later there was the door bell ringing.he rushed downstairs and opened the door,it was obviously George.
He had an unenthusiastic look on his face,
With those stupidly big glasses and that "sweater vest with T-shirt" preppy outfit.
Quackity:"George! Your here!"

He sighed,Quackity took him inside and George laughed.
Quackity started walking around in the kitchen while George leaned against the kitchen island.
Quackity:"alright so apparently the new neighbors name is like the jakes or something,something with a- HEY"
George took a bite out of a pastry and looked at him before he yanked it out of his hand.

George:"I was eating that?!"
George:"jeez did you put your jizz in it or something..."
Quackity rolled his eyes and dragged George outside to the back yard.
George:"what are we doing here?"
Quackity:"I have a plan,now that their all moved in I'm gonna throw my ball into their front lawn so we can sneak there and peak through the windows!"
George:"that's the dumbest shit ever ever heard"
Quackity:"trust me on this one George,

Quackity hugged him before throwing a ball over the high fence.
Quackity:"mission find out about the new neighbors is a go!"
George:"I hate you" he sighed as Quackity dragged him with him to the others lawn through the fence door.Quackity picked up the ball and went to the side of the house.
George:"Quackity let's go!"
He whispered.

Quackity went to the window and slightly peaked inside,the dad was building thief couch or something.
Quackity fell down.George stood up and sighed.
Quackity stood up VERY EMBARRASSED.
He looked at the guy,Jeez,he was really pretty.he had pretty eyes and his hair looked fluffy.

??:"hello? I asked you a question"
He said snapping out of it.
Quackity:"o-oh sorry could you repeat that..?"
??:"i said,what are you doing In my yard?"
Quackity looked at George who raised the ball.
Quackity:"my ball,it landed here,we were just getting it back we promise!"
??:"oh okay that's fine.."
Quackity put his hand out.
Quackity:"Alex Quackity,I live next door!"
Karl:"um,karl,Karl Jacobs,I just moved here from New Jersey"
He smiled.

Quackity:"so Jacobs is your name..."
George:"I'm George"
Karl looked at him and put his hand out for him to shake,wich he didn't,he thought it was funny.
Karl:"uh karl."
George:"Yeah u just said that,anyways I'm the smart friend,who didn't throw the ball"
Karl:"good to know"
George:"Q i have to go home,feed my cat,
Quackity:"wh- oh yeah bye!"
George got on his bike wich was still at Quackitys house and rode off.

The guy next door // karlity Where stories live. Discover now