17-my top 10 favorite things :)

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The day eventually went on and Karl and Quackity decided to skip math,because who tf likes math.they went outside to the sunny football field bleachers and sat down.Karl got out a note book and a pen while Quackity put his feet on the higher steps laying upside down.
Quackity:"are you serious doing your homework while we're skipping"

Karl looked up at the sun,the breeze lightly blew his fluffy hair as he smiled,this was definitely a sight he'd have in his mind for a long time,he was beautiful,so so perfect.
He took out a canon out of his backpack and took a picture of him.

Karl turned to him after he heard the click.
Karl:"what are you doing?"
Quackity:"I took a picture of you"
Quackity:"you looked stupid"
He laughed,Karl flicked his finger on his forehead.
Karl:"anyways,it's not homework,we'll it is but it's easy,I'm supposed to write down my top 10 favorite things ever.
Quackity:"what ya got so far"
Karl read his paper.

My top 10 favorite things :)
1-my friends
2-my DS"
3-my super funny jokes
4-denny's breakfast meal
5-my playlist

Karl:"That's all I have so far.."
Quackity:"it's good"
Quackity looked back up at the sky.
A few minutes passed and he still hasn't said anything stupid yet.
Karl:"hey,penny for your thoughts?"
Quackity:"I-....i wanna talk to you about something.."
Karl:"go ahead,I'm listening"
Quackity:"um..I'm sorry for what I did yesterday,I was still on a sugar rush and I just- I was so out of it and kissing you just felt like what I had to do and-...I'm sorry"
Karl smiled apologetically.

Karl:"hey,it's okay,it was just a kiss...nothing more"
They both knew that wasn't really true.
Quackity smiled.
Quackity:"alright dickwad"
Karl:"um also...I'm kinda glad you were my first kiss.."
He shot up.
Karl:"WELL I LIED OKAY?-...you were my first kiss.."

Quackity blushed,another one of those unforgettable moments.
He was so cute.
Quackity:"right well,that's pathetic"
He slapped him,Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"okay okay I'm sorry!"
Karl eventually stopped.Quackity sat up and put his head on his shoulder.
Karl put his head on his.just looking over the field,so peaceful,and quiet.

Quackity looked at Karl,a few moments Karl turned to him too.
Quackity slowly came closer,he eventually made it to Karl's lips but Karl pulled away.

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