9-the arctic monkeys

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Time skip (after class (lunch))

Quackity:"your a dumbass!"
Karl:"leave me aloneeeeee"
They said as they sat down at their lunch table outside with the others.

Quackity:"dude.you said you wouldn't do the homework!"
Karl:"I'm sorry okay,impulse.."
Quackity:"I looked like and idiot"
Quackity:"give me your lunch,to prove your sorry"
Karl:"but I-..fine.."
He gave Quackity his lunch.
Karl:"good morning guys"
Dream:"good morning"

Karl:"um..so basically,I changed my mind,I'm going to the party"
Quackity:"YOU ARE?"
Karl:"yeah I am...I was invited.."
Sapnap:"by who?"
Quackity:"yeah who would invite a loser like you" he snarled as he ate his food like the little gremlin his is.

Karl:"shut up and eat your food. Anyways I was invited by corpse"
Dream:"no offense Karl but why would he do that?"
Karl:"I'm not sure,I'll be going tho"
Dream:"yayyy we have a driver!"
George:"I think Karl's inlovveeeee~"
Karl:"shut up dude,he's actually quiet polite"
George:"awww you like him?~"
Karl:"didn't you say you wanted him to wreck your insides yesterday?"
George was quiet.

Karl:"that's what I thought"
He smiled.
Quackity:"worldddd starrrrrrr"
Sapnap smacked his head with a book.
They continued lunch.then the rest of the classes before everyone went home to Karl's house to get ready.
Karl:"what should I wear?"
Sapnap:"something that doesn't make you look like in idiot"
He said politely as he laid on Karl's bed in a "poster of a teenage pulp fiction" pose.

Dream:"yeah just wear this.You can impress corpse,if he asks what your favorite song is just say 'all of them'"
He said as he handed him a arctic monkeys shirt,Karl had an arctic monkeys poster in his room.
Karl:"thanks but I literally listen to the arctic monkeys..."
Dream:"my bad corn"
Dream was a really nice guy,he was an asshole sometimes but he knew when to joke around and when to be serious.

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