19-who would decline this offer

555 9 28

Lime chapter uuuhh🙂

Sapnap:"sure Karl SUREEE"
Karl:"shut up."
Once they were done with homework they eventually left and Quackity stayed at Karl's house.
Karl:"bye guys!"
He smiled before closing the door and turning around.

Karl:"so wh-"
Quackity grabbed his sweater and pulled him into a kiss,Karl was surprised but gave in.they eventually sunk to the floor and made out against Karl's bed frame.
As Karl stroked Quackitys hair from the back of his neck,Quackity caressed Karl's soft skin under his sweater.Karl moaned.
Quackity moved to his neck and started sucking on it.

Quackity:"fuck,your doing so good karl~"
A smirk formed on Karl's face.
He softly giggled.
Quackity pulled away.
Quackity:"wow you really do have a praise kink don't you"
Karl:"wh- NO?!"
Quackity:"no it's fine~.."
He climbed on Karl lap,Karl looked at him in Schock.

Quackity:"I like praising you~"
He smirked before going in for another kiss but Karl put his hand over his mouth and slightly pushed him away.
Quackity:"w- what's wrong?"
Karl:"what is this?"
Karl:"like...what are we?.."
Quackity:"best friends? Like always...?"
Karl:"..don't you think...this isn't really best Friend activity?.."
Quackity:"well no but...yk..I want us to stay like this,I just don't think I'm really...ready for a relationship..."

Karl:"okay...that's fine.."
Quackity:"what's wrong?"
Karl:"nothing I was just-...I was going to ask you if..."
Quackity:"if what?"
Karl:"...if you maybe wanna take my virginity..."
Quackit blushed,that was a lot,he couldn't lie to himself,he secretly thought about fucking Karl more than he'd want to admit.
Karl:"fuck- that I was so stupid I'm so sorry I-"
He started rambling,Quackitys shocked face faded and he tried to calm him down.

Quackity:"hey no no no no no! Look I-...I want to...take your virginity.."
Karl:"y-you do?"
Quackity:"yeah...I'm fine with it.."
Karl:"are you sure?"
He smiled before trying to unbuckle his belt.Karl panicked.

Quackity pulled his hand away.
Quackity:SHIT- Sorry😭"
They laughed,as soon as they calmed down a bit they started making out again.
Quackity:"you like that?~"
Karl:"Mh~ so much~"
Quackity looked at Karl's half undone pants noticing he was hard.

One part of his brain thought,
"He's so cute,getting hard from making out" and the other one said was resisting the feminine urge to make fun of him for it.
Quackity:"you sure you don't want me to help you with that?"

The guy next door // karlity Where stories live. Discover now