4-present day

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Two years later(now)

Karl shouted through an air horn into Quackitys ears.he woke up from sleeping sloppily on Karl's messy bed.
Quackity:"THE HELL MAN?"
Karl:"wake up! First day of junior year!"
Quackity stood up.He looked at Karl.

He was wearing a sweater vest with a white t shirt under it.
Quackity:"your gonna get us bullied on the first day"
Karl:"I wanna make a good impression!"
Quackity:"you won't make one,now change"
Karl:"fine whatever"
Karl took off his shirt and put on another one.
Quackity looked at Karl,he slightly blushed.
"Why do I still blush when I look at him?"
He thought,he wasn't gay,at all.it was just the shock of seeing someone topless.
He rolled his eyes at himself before getting ready.

When they were both done Quackity went to his house to grab some breakfast.
They went inside and sat down at the kitchen counter.
Mom:"I packed your lunches! Avocado toast for my duckling and an egg sandwich for you hun"
Karl:"thank you misses HQ!"
He smiled.
Quackity:"thanks mom but please stop calling me that..I'm not 6 anymore.."
He sighed.

Mom:"yeah yeah whatever,are you sure you guys will be alright for the week? I don't wanna leave you all alone"
Quackity:"we'll be fine mom! Besides it's only a week,and misses Johnson from across the street will check up on us"
Quackity and Karl's parents were going on a trip for the week to a lake house.

Mom:"I just feel bad for missing your first day!"
Quackity:"I'll call you"
Mom:"alright,I have to get going,Karl your in charge"
Mom:"Karl is still more responsible,now bye sweetheart"

He took his face and kissed his cheek,he icked.
Quackity:"bye mom,love you"
Mom:"love you too bye now"
Karl:"bye bye"
Quackitys mom left.they sat there for a few minutes before absolutely popping off.
They grabbed all of the candy out of the drawers and put them in their bag before going outside and pretending like they were little angels.

The guy next door // karlity Where stories live. Discover now