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Karl and George sat up and looked at them as they came back from the gas station.
They sat down on the pavement shade and dream gave everyone their monster.
Quackity:"so what were you guys giggling about"
Karl:"why were you watching us?"
He teased.
George:"we were just talking about yesterday,and that we shoulddd...get Karl laid"
Karl looked at George kinda confused.

Dream:"there's a shit ton of truth in that"
Sapnap:"no bitches,AT ALL"
Karl:"okay whatever shut up"
They laughed at him.
George:"we should play fuck,marry,kiss"
Although it wasn't that obvious,everyone was confused to why George said it.
It's not like they hadn't played it before.
It was usually Sapnap who suggested it.
Sapnap:"I'm in,you go first"
He scoffed.

Sapnap:"dream,corpse anddd karl"
George:"I'll marry dream,fuck corpse and kiss karl"
They laughed.
Dream:"ur turn karl,corpse, Quackity anddd Sapnap"
Karl:"hmm..I'll kiss Sapnap,fuck corpse and marry Quackity"
Corpse:"the over stimulation..of being everyone's favorite-...ist so overwhelming!" He said dramatically.
They continued their day and eventually went home.

Quackity:"can I sleep in your room?"
He said as they stood in front of their houses.
Karl:"yeah of course"
Karl smiled before they went upstairs.
Karl flopped on his bed and rolled around in the sheets,Quackity thought "looks kinda fun" and joined him.
They started laughing while rolling around in the bed together.they ended up laying in front of each other still laughing.

Once they calmed down a bit they looked at each other.
"Shit he's so pretty" both of them thought.
Quackity:"would you really marry me karl?"
Karl:"uh..yeah idk..sure,would you?"
Quackity:"I think so,I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you.."
Karl:"..me neither"
They just looked at each other,not even saying anything,just looking.

Quackity:"..have I ever told you that..your really fucking pretty?.."
Karl:"I think so...have I ever told you the same?.."
Quackity:"kiss me..please.."
Karl blushed,neither of them really knew what was going on but Karl kissed him.
It was like the perfect moment,it was so so perfect.

It lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away.
Karl:"sure man.."
This was weird,Quackity asked for a kiss,
And Karl didn't say "wtf man that's so gay",it's not like he'd said it either way but still.

The guy next door // karlity Where stories live. Discover now