The Sinister Teacher Likes Me - 6

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‘You’re so cute’ he whispered as he eyed the class. I quickly averted my gaze from him to look at everyone only to see them focused in their work or talking with one another. We were pretty far away from them anyways, Dawson liked his desk to be very private. It was literally a very big dent in the wall which caused his desk to be cut off the class. No one would be able to see us.

‘Stop that.’

‘Stop what?!’

‘Stop saying that you’re going to kill me one minute and then call me cute the other!’

His face softened for only a fraction of a second before he composed himself again.

‘Its true though, Naomi. You know what I am capable of and so its for your own good.’ Even his teacher voice was hot. I shook my head mentally, what was I thinking? He's dangerous and I should remember that even though he is irresistible.

‘You killed someone in front of my very own eyes, don’t you have the slightest –

I couldn’t finish my sentence as I was backed up against the wall with Dawson’s hand pressed against my mouth in a matter of seconds, my heart lept.

‘You say that one more time and you’re dead.’ He said through his teeth.

My eyes widened in fear but I nodded my head briskly although I was strained, he was millimetres away from me. So close. So near. Too near. I felt so uncomfortable.

‘I hope I’ve made that clear’ he said, bringing his face awfully close to mine. And if I were to just lift my head the slightest our lips….NO! What was I thinking?! He’s a murderer. He’s threatening to kill me! I can’t have such thoughts. Why do I keep doing that?

As I brang myself out of my thoughts, I saw a sudden glint rising in Dawson’s eyes. He smiled a very ominously, giving me this weird forboding feeling, I didn't like it. It was so disturbingly beautiful if that was possible. I’ve never wondered how someone’s smile and look could intimidate me to this extent.

‘Do I scare you?’ He questioned, still with the hint of a smirk on his face.

I shook my head slowly, aware of the strange question.

His smile grew wider, as if I done something that has pleased him. ‘Will this scare you?’ He asked as he brought his head down even more, I pushed myself back, further into the wall, so far that I felt like I was becoming a part of it. I squeezed my eyes shut as my heart thumped harder and harder. Oh how I hate this feeling.

‘Mister Dawson!’

I jumped and the sudden sound and quickly backed away from Dawson. My cheeks began to flame.

‘Emily.’ Dawson addressed, sounding a little flushed. Emily peeped through the wall and smiled shyly at him. ‘I need some help on my conclusion for the essay’ she asked in her annoyingly high pitched voice, she could come across as a squeeking mouse.

‘Yeah sure, I’ll be right at it.’ He smiled sweetly. ‘That shall be all, Naomi.’

‘Who, me?’ I shot him a confused look but caught on seeing his irritated expression, ‘Oh yeah um yes, yes.’ I hesitated.

‘Good, then give out the books, it will help your classmates with the essay’

I nodded and shifted the books all to my left arm to help with the weight, thinking how he act's so bipolar, one minute evil the next so sweet. Urgh.

‘Yes, of course, I’ll do that right now.’ Crap, I really messed this up.

‘Yes’ He said smiling through gritted teeth, but as I was about to turn away and hand out the books he waved his hand in front of my face. I stopped and frowned at him, which he returned with a wriggle of his brows and his disturbing smile. 'I'll catch you later then' he whispered in my ear. I felt my pulse quicken and I looked away. I couldn’t bare to hold my gaze with him. Its like, if I looked too long I would melt. Annoyed, I winced at my thoughts and hastily scurried off worried of what he was going to do next.

I reached the front of the classroom and began to give books out to my classmates, all throughout I was deep in thought about what had just happened… Or morel like what just could have happened. From today, I know that I must try all my best to keep myself away from the monster if I wanted to avoid trouble.

As I came up to Drew I smiled at him and paused for a bit, I needed to make things clear with my best mate.

His forehead was creased in thought and he had his pen in his mouth. ‘Need some help?’ I smiled again.

He looked up and his expression hardened. ‘No, I’m cool thanks.’ He looked back down at the paper he was writing on.

I couldn’t help but frown, my heart sank. ‘I’m sorry Drew, I’ve apologised so much, if you’re my friend why can’t you understand and accept that I just can’t tell you?’ I said in a pleading tone.

‘I do accept it’ H snapped following it with a sigh. ‘I’m sorry okay, I just don’t like the fact that you’re keeping things from your own mates...your best mate even.'

‘I know, I’m sorry. You know that, but some things I like to keep to myself, I'm like that and you know it. Please understand that Drew you mean too much to me to have this stupid brawl happening between the two of us.'

‘Yeah I know’ he smiled, which caused me to relax a bit. ‘So what was going on between you and Mr Dawson back there?’

I blinked a few times, beginning to worry. What if he saw all of that? What if he heard what I said? What if he heard Mr Dawson threatening me? He would kill him. Oh no. My breath quickened and I gulped imaginary saliva. ‘Naomi?’ I looked at his face, calming a little. His confused and curious expression told me that he didn’t hear. I heaved a sigh. ‘Nothing, he was just helping me with a few essay points.’ I smiled. That’s another lie, I admitted guiltily. ‘I’ll speak to you later, Drew. After lesson okay?’

He nodded his head and began writing again. I took my time handing out the copies and wondered about Drew. He’s always been a very short tempered sort of guy that would get worked up pretty easily, however he was the one that would always understand you and care for you, he just wouldn’t show it. This made me connect with him a lot as I shared many things of my personality with him. We were very alike. Just not in looks, as he had blonde wavy hair that flopped over his eyes that were round and had the colour of chocolate. He was a cute, I must admit. But he was also very cheeky. I smiled wryly at the thought.

When I had finished handing out the books I took my seat and began on the essay I was writing. But I couldn’t really focus. The whole idea of Dawson just sitting on the table in front, eying the class had me in cold sweat and knowing him behind his sadistic disguise really distracted me. He was enjoying scaring me back there. What an idiot. Who else in this world enjoys watching someone being scared?! Is that even normal? Was he even normal? There were so many questions. So many questions that require answers. But how do I even bring myself to ask him those questions?

I know that at a moment in life I will have to go up to him and find out, because I had a very, very, very nasty feeling that this year, English was not going to be so fun.

I grimaced and slumped deeper into my seat.

I am so so so so so sorry that this chapter is late and this short!

I’ve been a little busy for the past few weeks and to be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to write so here it is! xD

I PROMISE that the next chapter will be much more interesting, well it has to be as you’re going to find out what Mr Dawson has done that petrifies Naomi! Its going to be longer too :D

Sooo.. you’ve finally found out what Mr Dawson has done! Anyone shocked? Or did you already know that he must have done this? What do you think about his character?

Comment!^ I’d love to know! :D

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment! It motivates me to upload sooner so much! Thanks :D xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2011 ⏰

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