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Johnny's Point Of View (Five Minutes Earlier)

I was walking home from work, alone, like usual. I don't think anyone would walk home with me. Everyone thinks I'm stupid, so what's the point of trying to make an acquaintanceship with anyone. What could I say though, hardships mainly go for me. Anyway, I was walking behind the stores, looking towards the alleyways when I heard something.

I walked towards the direction of the noise. When I was finally able to see who or what was making all of the racket, I saw Austin. 'This can't be- that really must be Austin..' I said to myself. I was about to walk away when he raised a saw upwards. When he stopped raising the saw, I felt like I needed to help.

"Austin, stop!" I yelled. Austin looked up at me. Tears were running down his face. I tried going towards him, but he pulled the saw near his chest as he got defensive. "Austin, I'm not going to hurt you.." I said. Austin swung the saw, but I moved before he could make a scar on my arm. The blade part of the saw made a clink noise when it landed on the ground.

"How do you know I should trust you?" Austin started. "How do I know you're not going to turn me in to the police!" Austin continued, raising his voice. I just stood there, confused. "Austin, what are you talking about? Why would I turn you in to the police for no reason?" I asked. Austin started banging his head on the wall. I decided to help Austin out. When I got next to Austin, I grabbed his shoulder.

"Let's talk about it at my place?" I offered. I let Austin rest his head on my shoulder as we walked over to my house. When we got there, I let him set down onto the couch. After I gave Austin a pack of ice for his head, I started to make some tea for us. Once I gave Austin and I some tea and bread, I tried starting a conversation.

"So, how have you been..?" I asked Austin as I sipped my tea. Austin just shrugged at me in response. We both sat there awkwardly after that moment. I remembered how much of a hard worker Austin was when he was my Co Worker. I knew I should not have, but I wanted to ask him something. "Hey Austin, if you don't mind me asking, why did you quit all those years ago? You were in amazing position I think most people would dream of!" I questioned.

That was when he spat out the tea. "So he really did say that huh?" Austin muttered to himself. I was confused once again. "What are you talking about?" I asked. That was Austin's last line of sanity. "I quitted?! Yea right- thanks a lot Henry Morris." Austin mumbled. I wasn't sure what to do at this point besides to watch. "I don't deserve this- this- torture!" Austin yelled, putting his hands on his head. I had enough of not knowing anything. I didn't want this to turn out like my son's problem.

"Austin, you need to tell me what's going on, you being happy is important to me!" I said. Austin looked at me in denial. "I'm not important-! Worry about yourself!" Austin argued. "Yes it is!" I yelled, putting my hands on his shoulders. "No!" Austin shouted as he pushed my hands off his shoulders. It was driving me crazy not knowing what was wrong with Austin. I hate to admit it, but I kind of like him for who he is. "Oh- why won't you let me do this for you William!" I shouted. That was when it went quiet..

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