Austin's Final Wish: Finale

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TW: Mentions of Self Harm, Overdose of Drugs, Suicide Talk, and Attempt of Suicide. If you feel uncomfortable with any of the following, please skip this part/chapter.

Austin's Point Of View
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. After I got the water, I went back to the Mii Channel. I had found some rooms that weren't being used, so eteled and I each claimed one for ourselves.

Anyways, I went to my room and all I saw was vivid images. After I shook them off, I grabbed the fifth container of pills, put them in my mouth, drank the water, and sallowed both the pills and water. My eye twitched as I forced my smile on. I looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of when I wasn't forcing myself to be happy. I kind of miss those times, but I knew that wouldn't make things better.

I went to make some food when I ran into eteled. "Hello eteled! How are you on this fine day?" I asked him as my eye twitched. eteled just gave me a concerned look. "Good?" eteled responded. "Why so concerned eteled? Is everything alright." I asked, still forcing my smile. eteled only looked at me. "What happened to you..? You were never like this a few weeks ago." eteled responded. "What do you mean?" I questioned, confused. eteled looked at me for a minute before he responded. "You're always smiling, it's starting to creep me out.." eteled said. "I have to do something, I'll talk to you later eteled!" I said as I walked back to my room.

eteled's Point Of View
I looked confused as Austin left. That's when I realized I can see what's going on with Austin. I followed slowly and quietly behind Austin. When Austin entered his room, I tried to hear what was going on. I was overhearing when I remembered the hole in Austin's room. I figured that he hasn't even noticed the hole.

When I arrived at the location of the hole, it was still there. I looked into the hole, and what I saw horrified me. I tried to stay quiet since there was a chance he knew where I was. Once he left his room, I ran over to the Mii Plaza. I waited about 5 minutes until I heard the Wii get turned on. "Hey eteled!" Sam said. They seems to notice my concern. "Is everything okay..? You don't look to happy to see me." Sam hesitated.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Sam. "You promise not to tell anyone what Im about to tell you? I want this to be between the two of us." I asked them. They nodded in response. I took a deep breath, nervous, but I knew I had to tell Sam what I saw. "Austin- he's been smiling a lot for a while, even when he gets hurt. I got curious about the whole situation, and I looked in his room. When I took a glance, I saw..." I stopped. I wasn't sure how to explain what I saw in there. "I'm not sure how to explain, but I'll try my best. When I looked in his room, I saw small containers on his bed side table. I wasn't quite sure what was in the containers, and I want it to stay like that. I also noticed that he was human. He had a pocket knife, and he was cutting until he clearly wanted scream for help, but he just laughed it all off!" I said.

I kneeled to the ground and starting crying. I can tell Sam understood how I felt. "I just want the Austin I know and love back." I cried out. Sam put her hand on the screen. "How about we try to talk to Austin about it.. and is it alright if I invite Kyle over, he seems to know Austin better than the two of us." Sam offered. That was when we heard a familiar voice.

"I'm right here you know. It seems like you guys forgot about me ever since the Aklophobia incident." The voice said. I looked up and saw Mii Kyle. "Oh, it's you." I said, annoyed. "Sam, you can invite Kyle over, he's probably our best choice for something like this." I said. We waited ten minutes until we heard a crash outside of Sam's window. Sam opened the window to see Kyle.

"Kyle- you're always hurting yourself whenever you come over-" Sam said. Kyle got up from the ground and moved his bike near the bushes. "Maybe because you always invite me whenever it's raining outside." Kyle complained. Sam rolled their eyes and helped Kyle up into her room. "Thank you Kyle for coming here on such a short notice. I appreciate that." I said. Kyle nodded his head.

"Alright, now we need to find Austin." Sam said. I deleted myself and the camera went to the hallway. I quickly disconnected the cords they had and ran to Austin's room. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. I leaned towards the door as I heard Austin speak.

"After all this time! I found the one thing I needed!" Austin said. We heard him getting on a chair and tieing something to a hook. Austin accidentally made the chair fall over, causing a big crash. Instead of screaming in pain, he just laughed insanely to 'make the pain go away.' Austin had put the chair back up and stood on it. "I had a lovely time here, but now, it must end!" Austin said.

I couldn't take it anymore and broke the door down and jumped on the chair Austin was standing on. We both fell onto the ground. I threw my axe to make the hook fall down and let the rope go. I grabbed the rope and tied Austin up so he couldn't go anywhere. "Sam! Call someone who might help!" I ordered. Sam nodded and called an ambulance. Kyle looked terrified of what his beloved uncle had became.

"They're on their way!" Sam said. I searched everywhere on Austin and removed anything he could harm himself with. I found a container like the ones I saw before. "The containers! They're happy pills!" I yelled. Kyle looked outside of his window. "They're almost here!" Kyle yelled. I untied Austin, grabbed him, and went to the real world. We all heard Austin laughing and crying. "This is fun! More! More!" He screamed. The ambulance arrived and took Austin. They offered to go with them, so that's where we went.

A few weeks later

I glanced out the window as I sighed. I miss having Austin around. When I got up, I went to Sam's room and went into the Wii. Once I got in, I went over to Austin's room. We never bothered to clean it up after the whole incident. When I looked around, I started crying. I hated seeing Austin in a mental state to the point he wants to end his life.

After I cleaned up my tears, I picked up any containers from his room. When I finished picking up the containers, I threw them all in the trash. All I want is to see Austin again...

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