Chapter 13

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"Oh no" Barret sighed looking at her friend trying to figure out what was going through her head.

Stefania looked over at Danielle and the man standing in front of her, confused with the situation. She heard Barret"s soft sigh and quickly understood that this wasn"t a pleasant surprise for the blonde.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you going to say Hi to your dad, kiddo?" the man said with a smile getting closer to Danielle "It's been a long time since you've seen your old man"

She took a step backk, "Hi... again, what are you doing here?"

"I see you haven't changed" the man said crossing his arms "Same unappreciative Danielle" he scoffed, "Since you insist, I was driving through town a couple of months ago for work minding my business, and to my surprise there you were... My beautiful brainless daughter, walking hand in hand with some dude"

Danielle could feel her anxiety and rage building up

"I was so surprised to see you as it's been years since you've called your old man... I assumed you were far gone, but no, there you were" he continued " I was kind of in a rush, so I didnt stop that day, but I'm back in town for a while and I figured I would find you around here"

Stefania couldn't believe the audacity of this man , standing there taking down on Danielle. The Italian tried to get up and walk over to Danielle but Barret stopped her. "It's better if you don't get involved, trust me..."

"Isn't this where all you good for nothing artists hang out?"

"What do you want?

"Isn't it obvious, I want to see and talk with my daughter"

"Seriously?... are you being serious right now?" danielle responded annoyed at her dad's audacity and nerve "There's a reason I left dad, and I think you should too" she said turning around to face Barret and Stefania who had concern looks on their faces.

"Dont you turn away from me" Lane said grabbing Danielle's shoulder "Show some respect, I am talking to you"

Stefania and Barret couldn't stand being there doing nothing anymore. Seeing him put a hand on Danielle, the two shot up from their seats and made their way to the blonde's side.

Danielle brushed his hand off, "And I am done talking with you" she responded. now, with the italian and her long lost friend standing next to her

"Ohhh" lane chuckled, "Now, what do we have here? are these two also braindead like you? entertaining people and what not, ha"

"Excuse me, sir" Stefania said taking a step forward, "I think it's better if you leave or we'll leave"

"And who is this foreigner?" lane asked "Is she your new puppy?"

The blonde was infuriated, turning bright red,  forhead vain bulging out as she tried to contain herself, "I won't tolerate you talking to Stefania like that, not in front of me not ever"

Lane raised his eyebrow, "Oh, I see..." he continued, "I see you're still confused, kiddo. What you need is a man to put you in your place"

Stefania looked over to Danielle and could see the toll the man's words were taking on her, but she didn't know what to do. She didn't know Danielle that well or her history to get too involved, but Barret did.

"Okay, lane, that is enough. We're leaving if you are not" Barret shot back, quickly grabing the other two and walking out of the coffee shop.
The trio walked back to the school but the journey was different this time. There was an awkward negative energy surrounding them and neither one of them knew what to do. Barret and Stefania observed as Danielle walked in front of them anxious to get to her car.

Barret finally caught up with her friend, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i am fine. I just need to go home"

"Do you want me to go with you? I have nothing else today. I dont mind"

"No, I want to be alone" danielle responded. She turned to Stefania, "I am sorry you had to be there and that I made your bad day worse..." she said lowering her head

Stefania couldnt help but feel bad for the blonde. The blonde was trying to cheer her up and look what happened... "Hey, it's okay Bella" Stefania said to the blonde, "It wasn't your fault, and besides, I had a great time. Thank you for inviting me" she smiled

Danielle let out a weak smile. "I'll see you guys tomorrow" she said hopping into her car.

"See you tomorrow" Barret responded

"Ciao, bella. See you tomorrow" stefania added watching the blonde close her car door.

Danielle was about to pull out when she heard a tap on her window, "yes?"

The Italian build up the nerve to finally ask, "Can I have your number?" she said, nerves rising

Danielle starred at her beautiful brown eyes, "hahaha of course you can, here, it's.."
The two exchanged numbers and were finally on their way.
Stefania arrived home after a very long day and settled on the couch before taking a shower and preparing for the next day. She was starring at the ceiling going through everything that had happened that day. It all happened so fast that she hadn't had a chance to process. She felt herself smiling at the thought of a certain blonde and their coffee date. Well, was it a date?
She felt her phone buzzing which pulled her out of her thoughts...

Danielle :) Hi! It's Danielle

Her heart fluttered. How could something so simple make her smile so big it hurts, she thought.

Stefania <3: Ciao Bella...

A/N Guysssss, Less than a week to get them back on our screens!!!!!!

What do you all think of this one?  also.... tHANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!

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