Chapter 23

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The days following the women's night talk were business as usual. Rehearsals were going full-blown, and it was the busiest everyone had been all semester.

In the last four days after their outing, the girls had been texting back and forth with the occasional facetime, but their schedules didn't allow for much room to see or interact with one another outside of rehearsals. The week finally came to an end, and the weekend awaited.

As everyone headed out for the week, Danielle tried to catch Stefania before she left only to be stopped by her friend.

"Hello stranger" Jaina spoke quickly approaching the blonde

Danielle abruptly stopped in her tracks, "Oh, Hey!" she responded less than enthusiastic. "What's up?"

"What do you mean 'What's up?' I haven't heard from you in a while, and we haven't hung out other than in rehearsal.... which doesn't really count."

In addition to the craziness of school, Danielle had been a little distracted by the situation with her dad and by the Italian. "I'm sorry. I've been busy, and after school, I just want to go home." she said somewhat truthfully. 

Jaina sensed something was off, but she didn't pay much attention. Before she could say anything else, Barret joined the two.

"Hey you two. What are you all up to?"

"Well, I was just about to ask Ms. Busy here if she had any plans this weekend."

Barret got all excited, "UHHH, are we planning a girls night out?"

Danielle couldn't help but laugh at Barret's excitement, "I haven't even answered. Maybe I DO have plans..." The truth was Danielle didn't have any plans yet, but she was hoping to finally take Stefania out on their long awaited date.

Jaina rolled her eyes, "Girl, come on... don't be lying to us now. I know you don't have any" she paused, "I know you don't have any plans with us, so who else would it be"

They all looked around at each other. Barret had a feeling she knew what the blonde would be up to. but Jaina was clueless. The blonde didn't want to go into details about a certain Italian. She didn't know what to say or how her friend would react, or honestly, if she even wanted it to be public knowledge. 

"Alright, Alright... what do you have in mind?" she asked

"Drinks. Tonight. At your place." Jaina paused, "And if we get too wasted, we can stay over"

Jaina's plan didn't sound too bad. Danielle was always down for a nice low-key night with her friends, accompanied by alcohol. Although, they never were completely low-key...

"I am down" Barret responded, "Oh..." she paused and looked at Danielle. Jaina didn't noticed the interaction. "We should invite Stefania" she smirked

Danielle opened her eyes wide. "Stefania?" Jaina asked, "Oh yeah, that nice Italian girl we had lunch a few weeks back!" she realized, "Yeah, we should invite her. The more the merrier"

"Uh.. yeah, sure. That's fine by me" The blonde tried to be calm, but she was dying inside. The though of having the Italian over for drinks with her and her friends.... What could go wrong?

Barret starred at the blonde and knew she was probably dying of nerves inside. "Sounds like a plan. I'll invite her and we can meet at your house around 9pm" she winked at her blonde friend. 

Stefania enjoyed a nice warm bath after a long week. It was 7:30pm. Wine in hand, music playing through her speakers, and bubbles covering her body, it was the perfect night. The music suddenly stopped playing when she got a text notification. The  Italian reached for her phone Who is disturbing my peace, she thought

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