Chapter 19

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Danielle patiently waited until Stefania's shift was over. She did not mind sitting around waiting for the Italian to be done. In fact, there was nowhere she'd rather be... Looking over at the brunette graciously strolling through the café as she fulfilled customer's orders would quickly become the blonde's favorite new hobby.

Between the occasional smiles and stolen glances, the two women could feel the anticipation for the long-awaited conversation rising. Stefania could not wait for the clock to strike 9:00p.m. Several caffeinated customers later, the Italian was ready to clock out for the day. Danielle watched as the brunette cleaned her area and gathered her bags and knew that it was time... The time had finally come. No more putting it off. She thought.

Stefania walked over to where Danielle was sitting, "Are you ready, bella?" she asked

As ready as I'll ever be... "Yes, I'm ready!" she responded, "How was work?" she asked nervously

Stefania looked at Danielle with a confused look on her face, "You were here, bella" she laughed "But, it was good. No difficult customers. So, I call that a good day every day"

Right... of course, Danielle. Why would you ask that, dummy. You were literally here the whole time. "I am so glad it went well. Seems like you were having fun"

"Si, I enjoy working, and I looooove coffee..." she paused and took a big sniff of the air "The smell and the taste, it reminds me of home. And, I'm pretty good at it if I say so myself"

Stefania's words and cute sniff made the blonde smile bigger than ever before, "well, I don't know you all that well yet, but it's clear that you are excellent at whatever you put your mind to... dancing, acting, signing, barista..."

Stefania looked the blonde in the eyes, "I'm good at a lot of things", she smirked. The brunette noticed Danielle's cheeks begin to turn a light red color, "I have no doubts" ,the blonde responded.

They starred at each other taking in one another for a long minute before continuing their endeavors. "Shall we?" Danielle asked motioning towards the door.


A/n Guys!! I was working on the rest of this chapter, but it was going to take me a minute to upload. So, I decided to give you this little bit while i finish the rest of this scene/day!

Tomorrow is my day off from work so i am hoping to give you an update before the new episode!!

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