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"What do you mean we have to live together?" I question. "I thought I was living on my own."

The person that was in charge of the living quarters shakes her head.

"No, sorry. I can assure you though that it's just for the year. Next year you get moved with a new person, unless you buy your dorm. If you need anything - I'll be in my office!"

The girl then leaves, waving contently.

I huff and puff, glaring at the boy standing beside me. He looked just as annoyed as me, glaring right back with his arms folded.

We looked looked nine year olds who just had an argument about who gets to sit in the front seat on the way home from school.

It was pathetic.

"Well then, chick. I'm going out." He says, moving towards the kitchen.

"I'm not just chick!" I holler after him.

"Well; if you told me your name - I'd have something better to call you, wouldn't I?" he hollers back, pulling on his jacket.

"I'm Auden," I inform him.

The boy stops, pouts for a second, and then shrugs. "I prefer chick, I think."

I bite my tongue, trying to hold back my rage. I'm not very good at it.

"You think you're just so cool; don't you? You think the whole world revolves around you, and that girls just bow down before you in your presence. Well - I'll tell you something. Not me! This, my friend, is war." I burst, prodding the boy in the chest.

The boy smirks. "I'm Noah, by the way. Game on."

"Fine then. May the best one win."

"May the best one win indeed." He practically smirks again as he slams the front door behind him.

If this is war, then I need preparation. I immediately set to work.

Sprinting down the hallways, I retreat to my bedroom.

When you have two big brothers, you pick up all the finest tricks - which I think is why I love my dopey siblings.

I turn on some music through my dock and then proceed to the bedroom I'm almost certain is Noah's. I open the door and look inside. It was definitely his, with all his boy-ish things. Typical. It was an absolute mess.

I switch up the contents of his drawers; putting his t-shirts where his socks used to be, and his trousers where his t-shirts used to be, etc.

It was quite fun, actually. Now, this is where I get serious. I put some red food colouring onto his toothbrush. It will leave Noah's teeth a ghastly red set of teeth for at least ten hours. I decide to give the boy some leeway and not do any more tricks. For now.

This is just the beginning, I can assure you.

As it was almost twelve o'clock, I decide to visit Hazel and tell her about the dreadful occurrences. I pull on my Abercrombie jacket and leave, locking the door behind me. Marching towards the lift, I shudder in the cold hallways as the fresh air chase themselves down my spine.

I stab the right buttons, and soon I'm knocking on my best friend's door.

A cheerful looking girl with bright red cheeks answers the door. "Hello," she greets me with a reassuring grin.

"Hi," I state, peering into the dorm. "is Hazel in there?"

The girl nods. "She's in the living room. You must be... Auden? I think Hazel said something about an Auden."

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