Twenty One

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"So, what is it you want to do?" Noah questions.

"You are going to watch every famous Disney film with me on repeat until you really do know all the words to Hakuna Matata." I explain, passing Noah a bowl of popcorn. For some reason, we always have an endless supply of bagged popcorn. I think Noah just binge buys it so we literally can never run out of what seems to be his favourite food. I had olives; because why not?

Noah rolls his eyes and slumps down in his seat beside me. I realised that I have a weird situation with him. I want to kiss him and slap him at the same time; so this movie marathon should be fun... Not. Half way through one of the Lion King films, the bit where Timone and Pumba spy on the lions on their date, I longingly glance at Noah who actually seemed to be content as he watched it.

He notices my look and smiles at me. "Are you staring at me?"

"I looked at you for two seconds just to check if you were asleep. I'm very serious of you being able to recite the song of 'Hakuna Matata', you know."

"Gosh, Auden. I have seriously never met anyone like you." Noah shakes his head as he smirks to himself.

"Well, my name is Auden. It was like number seven hundred in the top names the year I was born."

Noah just scoffs and turns back to the film.

"Okay Noah!" I suddenly spring from my seat. "Are you ready to learn 'Hakuna Matata'?"

Noah groans and buries his face into his hands. "No-o-o-o-o."

Giggling, I grab him by his hair and pull him up off the couch. "Stay." I order like Noah was a dog before I scurry off. When I return, I hand Noah a bottle of hairspray and I use my bottle of deodorant. "Ready? Hakuna Matata – means no worries for the rest of your days... You go."

Noah scoffs. "You know I can't sing, right?"

"Which means it'll be an even bigger achievement when you know the right words and notes to the song!"

"Shush you. And I'm only doing this because you asked me to. Anyone else and they would've regret ever stepping into the same room as me."

"Yeah, yeah... I know, mom. Just sing!"

So, eventually, Noah sings. When I laugh, he hits me, driving me to laugh even harder as I roll around om the ground. Now he knows how it feels to be laughed at. Cough cough, chicken girl, cough cough.


"They were the worst two hours of my life!" Noah hollers as he gleefully falls back onto the couch.

I throw my head back, laughing. "Ah, well, at least your new frat party trick can be singing a Lion King song!" Noah just throws me a look that completely reads, 'Are you crazy?'. He goes to turn back to the film we put on once the Lion King was over but before he does, a shimmer that I never saw before glowed in Noah's eyes and he turned back to face me.

"You know, Auden, I actually haven't met a girl like you before." He informs me, repeating the sentence he said just five minutes prior.

"Um, okay." I reply, stifling a laugh that sounded more like a squeak. "What makes me so different then?"

"Usually girls would like me. As in like me."

"That's just great for all those girls. Are they all blind?"

"Haha. No. They're very capable of seeing."

I roll my eyes and shrug simultaneously, using both gestures that pretty much take up my whole life. I don't know where Noah is going, but if it's his way to make my desire to slap him go away – it isn't working.

"Damn, Auden. I've never had to do this before because like I said, it usually doesn't take long for me to convince a girl they like me. But I just want you." He pauses, scratching the back of his neck as he always does, and looks down to the wooden floors.

"I want you. That's it. Just your flaws, your mistakes, smiles, stupid jokes and your sarcasm that just drives me crazy. Everything."

And all of a sudden, as he swept a piece of hair from the side of my face, all desire to slap him completely disappeared.


OH MY GOSH!? Because Noah just practically confessed his love, you should completely vote and comment for this because (yes, you - silent readers) I want to see and read all of your reactions! Also, I uploaded a new book called 'The Galaxy Meetings' and you should really have a look. Pretty please?

If Auden said something completely embarrassing or sarcastic, what do think she'd say? The best one wins a dedication.

QOTC: Are you surprised Noah went all cliche on us?

                                                                                         Love you! Belle x

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