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I wake up with a start the next morning. I was on the couch in the living room, with a plate of stir fry on the ground.

Groaning, I check the time on my phone.


No. No no no no no no no.

I'm going to be so late for my shift in the cafe. Gina will kill me.

I hop up and sprint to my bedroom, jumping over the bowl of stir fry and tripping over myself a few times.

Finding a random outfit, I throw on the first clothes I find on the floor.

It turned out to be navy Hollister tracksuit bottoms with cuffs on the ankles. They're kind of handy because all of the ankles of my bottoms always get so dirty, so with the cuffs, they don't really touch the ground.

I found a plain with cotton white t-shirt and a pair of white high-top Converse.

I decide to run a hairdryer through my wet hair from the shower I had the night before. I don't even know if Noah came home last night, but to be honest — I couldn't care less.

Turning on the hairdryer, I blow it through my hair. Then, the most horrifying thing happens.

Flour happens. Noah happens. Revenge happens.

"Noah!" I scream. I don't care if he was here, if he was in Timbuktu, but I just had to scream his name.

I had flour in my hair and I was almost twenty minutes late now. 

Noah planted flour in my hairdryer! The cunning little thing. When did he even do that? I do give him some credit though; as it was pretty good timing.

I quickly run a brush through my hair, which makes it kind of frizzy. And white. Oh my gosh.

This is a mess.

You know what? It's okay. I through my burgundy Abercrombie on and pull up the hood. I grab my keys, my phone, and then I sprint out the door and down in the lift.

I am going to get revenge, and it will be the best revenge ever. It will take time to plan, but war is war.

Hopping in my car, I click in my seatbelt and make my way down the road to the the cafe.

It was called 'The Joyful Brew'. It was a cosy coffee shop.

I sprint into the cafe. "Gina!" I shout, the bell tinkling as I push open the door. "I am so sorry."

Gina was my boss; and my mum's best friend.

"What happened to you, Audi?" Gina motions towards my hair.

Nobody else called me Audi, but Gina.

"Don't worry," I mumble. "I'll just get to work!"

Gina pats my shoulder. "Right, okay then. But please, tomorrow — can you come in without white hair? I love your gorgeous blonde locks as they are."

I just grin and Gina before lifting my apron over my head.

Whilst I tie it, I grab a notebook, and set to work.                  

Noah is going to die of embarrassment for my next move. I'll make sure of that.


I collapse onto the couch, throwing my keys into the little bowl on the coffee table.

Noah was in his bedroom doing goodness knows what.

I think I have hatched a master plan for my next revenge, but I'll just have to wait and see how things go. Just then, Noah plonks down beside me.

"You absolutely ruined my hair, Noah."

"Don't worry chick," Noah smirks. "Flour washes out."


Noah takes a bottle of vodka out of his hoodie pocket, along with a red plastic cup.

"Wow, Noah." I pause, smirking. "Did Mary Poppins tell you her secret?"

"Maybe." Noah grins, unscrewing the cap.

"You bad, bad, boy." I lean forward, resting my head on my hands. My elbows were propped up on my thighs.

"You see, chick. The bad boy always falls for the good girl. It's an unwritten rule when it comes to all these cliché love stories."

"Shame we're not in a love story," I reply. "We're in a horror."


Hello Dreamers :) Did you like this chapter? This is just a little filler for you all to feast your eyes on. I was wondering, are there any good critics around who wouldn't mind looking at my book?

Your feedback amazes me and I love you!

Do you ship Noah and Auden or not?

Happy reading! ~ Belle x

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