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Our lips separate and I take a deep breath. This isn't awkward at all...
"Told you so." Noah winks. "I'm always right."

Oh. Maybe he is right.
All along, I thought maybe Noah was the problem. All along, I thought Noah was a rude and arrogant person who cares about nobody but himself.

But all along, it was me. All along; I was fighting from the inside, being torn from past events.

All along, I was the problem.

"Maybe." My mouth curves into a closed mouth smile, and I look down to my lap.

I pick at my painted nails, chipping their white varnish, pulling away chunks of it like a puzzle.

I thought Noah was about to say something. I sit up patiently.
But instead, he stood up and opened a box beside the television. "What kind of film?"

I grin. "Um... Disney."

"Seriously?" Noah deadpans. "Why do all teenage girls feel the need to fan girl over cartoons?"

I glare at Noah, launching a pillow at his head. I dreadfully miss, it flying to the side and almost knocking over a lamp.
"You're never too old for Disney, Noah." I declare. "That's a fact."

Noah shakes his head in almost what seems to be awe. "Whatever. What Disney film are we watching then?"

I clap my hands, my eyes lighting up. "Little Mermaid." I say without a doubt in my mind. "If you say Disney films are too childish; we are going to sit on this couch and watch Disney films until you know each song off by heart."

Noah grins, rolling his eyes. Aw, those cute eyes.

What the hell?
Do I like Noah?
He's as arrogant as hell. He is rude and snappy when he wants to be.
But he is cute, I guess. No!

I mean, I don't know how he hasn't got a girlfriend already. Auden, you can't give into him. That is his game plan. You give in to him, and the war is over.

Noah wins. Noah gets to have the remote, and Noah gets you to pay for the pizza. No no no no no. As I curl up on the sofa, Noah's phone begins to ring.

As the person on the phone begins to talk, Noah flashes an alarmed look my way. He then shifts up further away from me.

"Yes, but R - '' Noah pauses, glancing at me. "But that's not really needed." He more calmly presses.

After a while of supposed arguing with this very suspicious person, Noah throws his phone down on the coffee table, sighing.

His eyes looked like they were burning and he was trying to restrict his angry breathing.

"Who was that?" I curiously ask.
"No one." Noah grumbles, concentrating on the television screen. He was staring at the screen but his eyes looked empty, like glass - as if he was staring contently on the screen but his mind was on another planet.

There was a sharp knock on the door.
"Oh," I hop up. "I'll answer it."

Noah chases after me, grabbing my arm. "No, chick. Leave it. Let them go."
"Noah, it's probably just Hazel. She probably just wants my face as a model for her makeup. It's fine,"

Noah sprints in front of me, getting to the door before me. He opens it. "Go away."

Instead of going away, the person strides right inside. "Oh?" she pouts, her eyebrows curving. "You are?"

"Auden. And you?" I question right back.

"I'm Rachel." She pauses, staring at me cold and hard. "Noah's girlfriend."


Hello Dreamers :) Honestly, I have no words for this!

Q: Are you surprised Noah has a girlfriend or were you expecting that little bombshell?

Vote, comment, enjoy! ~ Belle x

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