Chapter 1

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A/N: This is a re-write of Love Prism! Hopefully this one will get u reading more!

Chapter 1

I woke up with a start. The incessant alarm blaring into my eardrums. I groaned. Why in the high heavens did I decide to sleep with my earphones on? I tugged the chord harshly from my ear and tossed it to some corner of the room.

It became quiet again and I sighed contentedly before snuggling up into my pillow. But it didn't last long.

"Good morning sunshine!", My dad practically giggled as he barged into the room in his god forsaken pink apron.

"Oh gawd, my eyes!", I screeched as he danced across my room to draw the curtains open revealing the light of the glaring sun.

"Don't be dramatic, Tsubasa.", He rolled his eyes as he stepped out of my room. "Hurry up and get ready. Your bus is leaving in 30 minutes."

I groan.

"Can't I just skip school or something?", I said, shielding my eyes from the rays of the death star. He gave me the 'don't-be-a-lazy-ass' look and left me after saying, "Pancakes are waiting for you downstairs, sweetheart."

I grumbled and pulled the covers off me at the mention of food. Well, better get the day started. I went into the walk-in bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was satisfied and looked presentable, I slid my glasses on and walked to my dresser. I changed into a pair of jeans and graphic t-shirt. Grabbing my regular black converses, I put them on then tied my hair back, pinning my bangs with a bobby pin. I grabbed my sweater (because it was getting a bit chilly nearing Autumn) before looking at the mirror.

"Ta-dah...", I sighed and proceeded to snatch my phone that was hiding under the pillow. Checking the time, I had 10 minutes to spare. I made a light jog downstairs and quickly grabbed a plate filled with pancakes.

"The syrup is on your right. Whip cream and strawberries in the fridge.", He informed me as he hanged the damn pink apron on the rack. Don't get me wrong, I don't despise flamboyant people; it's just the color that I hate. I never was a fan of it. Not even as a child.

I walked to the fridge to grab the bowl of fresh strawberries and whip cream. Gotta hurry, 8 minutes on the clock. I quickly poured the maple syrup messily on top of the stack of pancakes while simultaneously putting whip cream on top. Grabbing a handful of strawberries, I dumped it on the whip cream as a last finishing touch before devouring my breakfast.

"Here, coffee.", Dad smiled at me handing me the warm mug already knowing that I like to drink only after I finish eating. I smiled gratefully and downed the cup.

"Do you have any extra-curricular activities today?", He asked leaning on the counter.

"Nah. But I'm gonna head to the bookstore before coming home, a new book I was looking forward to came out recently.", I replied walking to the living room to take my duffel bag that was hanging on the rack.

"Alright, don't come back too late. Dinner's at 8PM.", He reminded.

"Yeah, bye!", I waved lightly at him before starting a jog towards the bus stop. I made it to the stop at exactly 7AM, my OCD complex practically purring at my punctuality. It's not actual OCD though. I don't have that disorder. It's just the satisfaction you get when you do something perfectly on the first try, get what I mean?

There were a few people around the stop. I sat at the empty side of one of the benches there so as to not accidentally communicate with anyone. Yeah, I don't really like talking to someone. Don't get me wrong, I just find it hard. I talk only when I want or when I'm forced(usually the latter) and thus resulting to my non-existent social life.

'Like I need social life. I'm just better off without it.', I thought to myself, adjusting my glasses and grabbing my phone from my duffel bag. I unlocked the screen and it instantly brought me to Wattpad to the last page I read yesterday night, which just happened to be Secret Identity by cravenspartascar.

I read a few lines in the previous paragraph to make sure I remember where I last stopped at. When I fully remembered the last scene I grinned like the Cheshire Cat. But before I could continue my reading the familiar old purring of engine could be heard signaling that the bus is here.

I groaned. Dammit, why does this always happen? Distractions.

I grumbled under my breath while shoving my phone into my duffel bag and stood up, getting in line to board the bus. Once on, I quickly sat my bum on my favorite spot in the bus. This has been my spot since I started high school. Heck, my butt's probably engraved on the soft cushion by now considering how many times I sat on it. I refuse to sit near the back because that's where the 'it' clique are. You know, fake bitches and obnoxious jocks. Yeah. So not for me. I heard that the last poor soul who sat at their spot got beat up. Ugh idiots. I mean the kid was new and didn't know shit! Way to be childish.

"Hey, you!", A high-pitched annoying voice hollered, from the back of the bus, silencing the quiet whispers that could be heard among students. I flinched. Gawd I swear the voice sounded like a ghost screeching. Heck, even a ghost wouldn't sound as bad as that.

I ignored the voice, not wanting to get involved in any trouble, instead, I looked out the window to the blurry landscape of houses as we pass them. Then the voice started screeching again.

"Uh, hey! You with the ugly ponytail and crappy shirt?", It said with a hint of annoyance. Realizing she was calling out to me, I turned around to face a set of honey brown eyes.

"Shit...", I cursed under my breath.

As our eyes met, she gave me an ugly sneer behind botox injected, chili red lips.

To be continued.....

A/N: Give me your opinion on the re-write! Comment! Vote! Spread the book to ur other lovely unicorn friends!

P/S: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin to all muslims!!! Enjoy the Raya time! XD but im still gonna miss Ramadhan too :'(

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