Chapter 4

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A/N: YAY!! New cover!!(made by me) Give me thoughts!! Sorry for the late update though, I've been trying real hard to update much faster. Your comments will help you know *wink* ;P

Anywho enjoy~~~~

Chapter 4

A few days have passes after that embarrassing scene with Natsu. I haven't seen the likes of neither him or Aki ever since. It's weird. It's not like I was expecting anything but...


Meh he's probably just like the others. They come and they go. Done. Period. Full stop. And then I move one with life as if nothing happened.

'You look amazing.', but those words! The words that left his mouth that day kept repeating in my mind like a broken record. Those three simple words. It made my heart flutter and think he meant that as more than a compliment.

"Stupid jock.", I muttered. Ok maybe, I've had a teensy tiny atom-sized crush on him. Maybe(mind the past tense). But that was when I was in 3rd grade and still wore a princess Ariel backpack.(yeah she's my favorite disney princess)

I've never thought of boys ever since I got my period in 8th grade! And that was only because the impact of what happened to my family mixed with my first period made me feel self-conscious. Really, self-conscious. It made me shut out from the world. Even my family. Yeah, bad.

But then light shone upon me once again and I managed to be the person I am today. It took time, but it happened.

'You know what; fuck it.', I thought proudly as I marched towards the entrance of school. To hell with what Natsu means! I ain't gonna hope for anything! Hoping is bad. You'd get hurt way more than he would.

I pushed(slammed) the door open and all eyes were suddenly trained on me. I flinched at how everything seemed so quiet when I stepped(stomped) in. Maybe I was too excited? I grin sheepishly(like an idiot) and scurried to my locker.

I let out a sigh of relief when I made it safely to my locker. I opened it to take my books and was startled to find a reflection of a girl without glasses on my mirror. Then I remembered. Fuck why am I so startled by my own reflection?!

If, you haven't figured it out, yes, I'm still wearing contact lenses while my glasses are getting repaired at the shop because a certain someone couldn't lay there fucking foot away and just had to crush my beloved spectacles to pieces.

What? Of course I hate wearing this.

Why? Because it's bloody uncomfortable!

If not for my crappy eyesight(I mean, seriously I can only see colors when my glasses aren't on), I wouldn't have to wear these. Damn my bad eyesight. Damn Aki, breaking my glasses like it's not worth anything.

I grumbled out annoyedly as I turned to head to the library for my free period a.k.a. reading period. Everyone stared at me as I walk by. I grumbled even more and quickened my steps.

After I wore contact lenses it seems like the whole school wants to gawk at me like I'm a lab rat. I don't get it! They were not this annoying when I wore glasses. No one noticed me before and I'd like it to stay that way. It irks me how I can't escape their judgmental stares...

Wow, I sound pathetic. It's like I'm one of those main characters in a teen fiction or something. You know the silly romantic ones you find on Wattpad, written by some random user with a random name? Yeah those stories don't even make any sense! The nerd got noticed by the jock? What crap!

She Got Noticed by MR. JOCKWhere stories live. Discover now