Chapter 2

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A/N: Enjoy chapter 2 everybody!

Chapter 2

"Uhh... Can I help you?", I asked, eyebrow raised and tone bored.

"Yeah, you can help by not polluting my eyes with your ugliness!", She snorted like a pig, all her barbies mimicking her as if it was the funniest crap anyone ever said in the world.

How stupid.

I sighed annoyedly and chose to ignore her, returning to watching the view outside while I waited for the bus to arrive at school.

"Hey, you can't just ignore me!", She suddenly screeched. I can imagine that she didn't like how I turned my back to her and chose to ignore her when most people would cower at her feet. I rolled my eyes. Well, I'm not like most of the people so fuck that.

"First of all; you can't tell me what to do. Second; aren't you the one that said I'm 'polluting' your eyes? Such as how your horrible voice is 'polluting' most of the people in the bus's ears?", I asked, making quotation motions at the word polluting. I turned around to face her head on with a bored face.

"What did you say?!", She screeched again, getting up in a fit. But before she could do anything else the bus took a sharp turn and gravity pulled her. A loud thud accompanied by a super whorish moan erupted from her as she fell and slammed her hip hard on the chair next to her. I sympathize said chair for having to make any contact with her. She probably infected it with STD or something. When she tried getting her balance back the bus came to an abrupt stop, making her stumble forward.

Without a second thought I darted out the bus having already paid the fare beforehand. I made a quick beeline towards the school and my locker, avoiding and dodging as many people as possible. For your information, that there was Aki or 'Queen Bee' as most people dubbed her. She is the typical bitch of the school. All complete with the minions and matching outfits. Albeit she's not the stereotypical blonde. She's actually a brunette. She looked super innocent the day I met her 3 years ago. Man, was I wrong. So wrong.

Once I reached my locker, I scanned around me to make sure Aki or her minions wasn't following. When I found no sign of matching tight tank tops and short mini skirts, I let out a sigh of relief.

I put in the combo for my locker to open and grabbed the books for my first period, which just happen to be my least favorite, Physics.... Hoo-raah. Note the sarcasm. I shoved my locker door shut and proceeded to walk to my class when I smashed into a wall. Huh, I never knew they built a new wall here...not to mention a really muscle-y wall at that.

A chuckle erupted from the wall as it vibrated. I jumped at least 10 feet high and a few steps backwards by the chuckling, vibrating wall thinking it was a horcrux or something. Then again if the wall was a horcrux, it wouldn't laugh. I stared up to the source of chuckle and my jaw dropped. Literally. It was hanging open now.

This guy is...attractive for a lack of a better word. Wow never thought I would use that word to describe a guy. Let alone get smacked into one's chest! Well, there's a first for everything I guess. He had a define jaw and dirty blonde hair that had the 'bed head' look, from what I heard of scary girl gossip. Not that I was ever involved in those. Yeesh, they're scary as fuck.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I hadn't noticed him calling me. "Hey...Earth to nerd? Come in, nerd.", he said while waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out from my thoughts almost immediately.

"Nerd copies. Mission control, do you copy?", I replied spontaneously. Dammit, me and my geekiness. To my surprise he laughed.

"This is mission control, we copy.", He exclaimed, smiling brightly. I chanced a look at his sky blue eyes an I swear even his eyes were smiling. We stared at each other, suddenly trying to determine who could keep a poker face. But it didn't last long when we both burst out laughing.

"Mission control?", I wheezed in between fits of laughter.

"You were the one that turned all astronaut on me.", he chuckled. I smiled.

"So, who are you and what do you want with me?" I said beginning to walk to my first period.

"Wait, you don't know me?", he asked, shock and confusion written all over his face. I turned around to arc a brow at him.

"Not everyone cares about social hierarchy, Mr. Jock.", I waved dismissively, all the while continuing my path towards class. He caught up to me and walked by my side.

"Uhh...I'm Natsu. I play football in school."

"Of course you do.", I said jokingly. Anyone could've guessed he was a football player. He was wearing a freaking varsity jacket with his name and number embroidered at the back. If that doesn't scream football player at first glance, I don't know what does.

"What, don't believe me?", he said cockily. I scoffed. I guess those stereotypes of dumb jocks are you true.

"What do you want?", I asked going straight to the point. As much as I hate Physics, I hate damaging my golden record even more. We were already in front of my class so I stopped to face and get whatever this is, over.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh... I just wanted to say sorry... for what Aki did just now...", he said sheepishly. My eyes widened in shock. What? Did I hear him right? He was saying sorry? For an issue that small? And to top it off; he didn't even do it!

I smiled genuinely at him. I heard a soft gasp from him but I ignored it thinking it was my imagination.

"Thanks, I guess. It wasn't really a big deal for me.", I shrugged. He smiled at em and we kinda just stood there with goofy smiles etched on our faces. Then, the first bell rung, signaling the first period was about to start.

"Well, if that's it I gotta get to class.", I said motioning to the physics room.

"Yeah, yeah. Uh... Um... I- Yeah...", he mumbled. I waved awkwardly and moved to enter my class. He started walking backwards but then bumped into the locker and fumbled his way to class. I chuckled at his clumsiness.

"What are you doing here, snickering to yourself. Have you gone mad?", a shrill voice exclaimed behind me. I cursed softly under my breath. I turned around to face a short woman with a cute bob cut and glasses.

"Good morning, Miss Winnie...", I know what you're thinking. But no. She isn't one bit the same as Winnie the pooh. She's more like the opposite. She's super bipolar at that too.

"Hurry now. The class is about to start. Lock the door so that the latecomers can get demerits.", She said whisking herself inside the classroom. I sighed.

This is gonna be a long day.

To be continued.....

A/N: HEY! I know it's pretty crappy near the end. But I had to include the scene of them talking. Yeah I'm sorry.

Anywho, vote, comment, and spread the book!! Tell me what y'all think of this chapter.

PS: Demerit is a system of schools. I actually referenced my school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. You get a demerit if i do nasty stuff(skip class, don't do homework, etc) & u get merit for the good stuff u do.(help teacher, Help in an event, etc) I don't know if other school does this but I'm just explaining so there'd be no misunderstandings :)

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