Chapter 3

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A/N: Woo! More than 10 reads!!!

Chapter 3

I sat on the grass with my lunch and a copy of 'Destined' by P.C. Cast And Kristen Cast in my hands. I never really had a seat in the cafeteria nor do I like how crowded it is. Not to mention noisy too. I'd very much prefer the solitude of the outdoors more.

I leaned against the bark of the tree and unwrapped my sandwich. I slipped the bookmark out with my left hand(cause the sandwich is in my right) and expertly flipped the page open, instantly reading where I left off. Ouh this is the good part. I smirked devilishly while nibbling on my food.

"Hey, bitch!", a shrilly girly voice made me jump. I scanned the area to find a particular brunette standing 10 feet away from me with her hands crossed(her posse mimicking her) and face in an ugly sneer.

Shit, there was no one else here except for me. She had to be talking to me unless you know there's a new trend of talking to grass and trees. I mean hey, the internet is a mysterious place where people do crap that doesn't make any sense, so that may be a possibility.

"Yes...?", I dragged out. I was so not in the mood.

"Don't you dare act innocent, you slut!", she screeched stomping her way towards me. I arched a brow. Ironically, I'm a virgin.

"What?", I deadpanned, sliding the bookmark over the page I left. I sighed internally. Why is it, when you reach a good part in a book, that there is always a distraction? Fate hates books apparently.

She reached me and swung her hand up to hit me. I snapped my eyes shut, waiting for the blow. I didn't feel anything at first except for a strong pressure against my left cheek. Once the pressure dulled the sting hit me full force. Wow, no wonder they say a woman's slap is the deadliest weapon. I winced as I traced the cheek she slapped me on. I can already imagine the red hand-like mark blooming on it.

I opened my eyes but everything was a blur. What? Where's my glasses? I started to feel the grass underneath me to find my glasses.

"You bitch! Ignoring me again!", Aki hissed venomously as I heard a loud crunching sound in front of me. Is that what I think it is?

"Was that my glasses?", I asked turning to face a blurry figure with some brownish, pinkish, peach-ish colors blended together on her. I'm guessing this is Aki. She chuckled.

"Idiot! And I thought you were the 'genius teacher's pet'!", she sneered triumphantly.

"Dude, I can't see. Of course I'd ask you. I mean, not all of us is blessed with perfect eyesight.", I said matter-of-factly crossing my arms across my chest.

"Now I can't continue reading!", I groaned raising my hands exasperatedly.

"What the fuck?!", she said and I kinda expected her to slap me again so I screwed my eyes shut. I waited. And waited. And waited.


Whut? I was about to tell her to just do it already when a recognizable voice started to shout out.

"Aki, stop!", the voice said. I opened my eyes to see a blurry figure with blonde-ish, tan-ish colors towering over Aki. Natsu.

Oh joy.

"What do you think you're doing, babe?! Let me go so I can slap this whore!!", Aki whined out desperately. I can imagine her looking at him with big puppy eyes and biting her lip to try to look sexy. I cringed. That's a bad mental image.

"No, I was the one who came up to her.", Natsu said. He was panting. Did he run to get here? I can imagine sweat rolling off his forehead and his chest rising and falling at a fast rate to accommodate his pants. Not to mention how sexy he'd look. What? Don't look at me like that! I can't see, goddamnit so I have a right to imagine.

"What...?", she asked disbelievingly.

"Well, if you had listened to my explanation, you wouldn't have marched up here like you know shit.", he grumbled frustratingly.

"Uh... Hello? Blind girl on the grass here.", I said flatly, waving my hands towards the figures in front of me.

"Shut up, bi-"

"Oh god, are you okay?", before she could finish her bitching, Natsu cut her off.

"Peachy.", I huffed, annoyed. They can have their dramatic session later. I can't see nothing here! Idiots they both are.

"Why you-", Aki started but I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Look, I don't know why you slapped me, but I don't care. I'm really in need of a pair of glasses here 'cause somebody broke mine. So if you can please take me to the infirmary so I can ask the doctor for some extras?", I asked as I tried feeling for my book.

"Oh, and you owe me a sandwich.", I said this to Aki.

"You can't tell me what to do!", she screeched.

"You hit her, Aki.", Natsu grumbled out.


"No buts!"

She cursed me under her breath and I felt a pair of strong arms hold me up. Said strong arms(probably Natsu's) led me towards the infirmary. As we were walking, I heard whispers and gossip roam around us. All which had the same topic; what is Mr.Jock of the school doing with a nerd?

"Just ignore them.", Natsu said nonchalantly.

"Meh. I never cared about what people say anyway.", I shrugged. It was true. Proof is that I never tried changing myself no matter how many times people laugh at my looks, talk about how I study too much, or the fact that I hate talking to people. It's my life, so why do I have to change because of what other people say?

We pretty much walked in silence after that. But it was a comfortable peace rather than those awkward ones that they'd describe in Wattpad about when you're stuck alone with you're crush. Yeesh, me crushing on someone? Get outta here.

We arrived at the infirmary shortly. He opened the door for me and led me in. I asked the infirmary doctor if they had a spare pair of glasses explaining to them that I 'accidentally' stepped on mine, not wanting to create an uproar about what Aki did.

"I'm sorry dear, but we only have contact lens.", she said.

"Ugh, guess there's no helping it. I'll use that for the time being.", I grumbled. She handed me the contacts and I asked her for help to put it on.

"There! Now make sure to wash it and return it tomorrow.", the doctor said, smiling to me. I smiled at her and looked at myself in the mirror. Woah I look different. This is why I hate wearing contacts.

"So...", I turned around to face Natsu with a fake grin, " do I look?", I said jokingly not expecting him to reply but what he said made my heart skip a beat.

"You look amazing...", he whispered softly for only me to hear.

"W-what..?", I stuttered stupidly. Of course Tsubasa. Way to sound like an idiot.

"Uh- I- Um...Nevermind!", and with that he left me there standing like an idiot with my jaw dropped and a blush creeping up my skin.


To be continued...

A/N: So.... Vote, comment, spread the book to your friends!! Oh and the infirmary having contact lenses part idk if it's real. But this is fiction so roll with it.

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