Chapter 27

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Edmund's POV

I stare desperately at the water, praying that my thoughts don't come to fruition. My heart is beating so loudly in my ears that it completely blocks out the rumblings and shouts of the crew behind me, desperately trying to prepare me for whatever it is that I've thought of.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see one of the jagged rocks sticking out of the water begin to move, and the one behind it does the same, sinking into the black waters.

"Edmund-" Y/n's footsteps approach me from behind until the deck shifts abruptly underneath us, tilting and throwing us all to the ground.

I slide to the opposite side of the ship, where I almost fall onto Lucy. She shrieks as the Dawn Treader rocks back and forth, trying to stabilize itself. The crew begins shouting, and I pull Lucy up immediately after I stand.

"Look!" Caspian points into the water with a wild look on his face, "what is that?"

A deep, grayish-green something moves roughly beside the ship, moving rhythmically above and below the water.

"It's too late," Lord Rhoop begins to panic, "it's too late!"

We all remain starboard, anticipating the creature's reappearance, or at least another knock at the boat. A few crew members begin running around frantically.

"It's gone under the boat! It's under the boat!"

Lucy turns around suddenly, and she grabs my arms tightly as she screams,


Almost as if on cue, a monstrous, slimy, greenish gray, slithering sea serpent rises from the water, sending water all over the deck of the ship. A revolting, gargling shriek emits from its gaping mouth, and it's face is covered in tentacle-like horns. Massive fins frame its bony skull, moving to the sounds of its cries.

"Lucy, grab her and get back below deck," I look to my little sister, "now!"

Lu rushes to Gael and grabs her, and Eustace and Reepicheep soar through the air towards the serpent. I step right up to the edge of the ship, my sword drawn and Caspian beside me. Y/n stands just behind me to my left, her sword held at chest level in front of her. Eustace sprays fire at the creature, and it recoils in pain as Eustace sinks his teeth and claws into its head.

"Eustace!" Y/n shouts as the serpent swings its head in an attempt to shake Eustace off.

He bangs into the ship, ripping slats of wood and ropes off the side. The ship's side makes an awful cracking sound, and we all brace ourselves to keep from falling over again. Y/n grabs onto my shoulder to hold steady, and I grab her forearm with my free hand and pull her up so she's standing between Caspian and me.

"Take that!" Reepicheep jumps from Eustace to the serpent and stabs, "and that!"

The creature shrieks wildly, continuing to thrash violently until Eustace loses his grip and is tossed into the air. He recovers and turns back towards the beast but is caught in its mouth and taken under.

"Eustace!" Caspian shouts as we all run to get a better look.

The serpent emerges from the water and slams Eustace's body into a jagged ledge. A cold feeling fills my chest as I find myself fearing for my cousin's life.

Come on, Scrubb, come on.

"No!" Y/n cries out in fear as the beast lunges at Eustace, prepared to kill him.

The dragon musters his strength and breaths a ball of fire into the thing's face, and it pulls back with a vile hiss before diving into the water to extinguish the flames.

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