Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

"I guess I'll see you two later!" Y/n smiles at Caspian and me as Edmund pulls her into what is evidently their room.

"I guess you'll be having this room to yourself," Caspian says as we move to the next room, "I'll find somewhere for Eustace to sleep besides below deck as your brother suggests."

"Thank you, Caspian," I say.

I venture into the room that I'll be sleeping in for however long I'm here, and I sigh heavily as I lie back down on the bed. I can hear Y/n and Edmund laughing in the room over, and I feel a bit of jealousy twinge in my chest.

I love Y/n, I do. Since Susan's been gone, she has stepped into the older sister role for me, and I'm very appreciative of it. She's always made time for me and made sure to include me, but Edmund hasn't been there for me since he and Y/n got together.

Once they started dating, he spent all his time doing things for her, talking about her, and spending time with her. It was ok as long as Peter and Susan were here, but in the last few months with just the three of us, well, four with Eustace, I'd been rather lonely. I miss my older brother.

Not that Edmund and I would share a room, but it would have been nice to have Y/n in here. I know if I need her she'll be there, but I didn't want to get in the way of Edmund's happiness, and Y/n makes him happiest.

I decide to go out on the deck to clear my mind. I make my way to the front of the ship, and I climb the ladder that leads to the bow of the boat. I find Reepicheep up there, singing some sort of tune about what lies to the East.

"That's pretty," I tease him, startling the mouse.

"Ah! Oh, oh thank you," he says laughing, "A dryad sang it to me when I was just a mouseling. I can't define the meaning, but I've never forgotten the words."

"What do you think is past the Lone Islands, Reep?" I ask, watching the blue ocean sparkle.

"Well, I've been told the furthest East one can sail is to the end of the world: Aslan's country," the mouse says as his ears twitch.

"Do you really believe there's such a place?"

"Well, we have nothing, if not belief," Reepicheep replies hopefully.

"Do you think we can actually sail there?" I ask seriously.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," he nods out over the water, "I can only hope I will one day earn the right to see it, your majesty."

He laughs briefly, and I lean over and look out over the Narnian ocean once again as Reep scampers away. I see something swimming under the boat, and I realize it's mermaids. I laugh and wave at them, and one of them leaps out, waving at me. I feel the tension in my chest from before release, and I feel a tap on my boots from below.

"Lucy!" Y/n says up to me, her long, wavy hair blowing in the wind, "Ed and Caspian are about to spar if you'd like some entertainment!"

"Well it sure was entertaining last time wasn't it?" I tease her, remembering some of the awkward moments from the last time we were here.

"Shut up," she laughs as she throws her head back. "Just come on down!"

Y/n smoothly swings down the ladder, her white blouse and trousers making it easy in comparison to the dresses we normally wear. I think the look quite suits her, given her strong personality and tough demeanor. Y/n may be an elegant queen, but she certainly doesn't need help holding her own. I always admired that about her.

I climb down the ladder and walk over to where Y/n is standing with a drink in hand, and we watch as Caspian and Edmund begin their match.

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