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Thank you again for your likes and marvelous comments! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

Here's another requested chapter . Hope y'all like it!

Also after much deliberation (which isn't really long like 5 mins or so (;;゜▽゜)ehe) I finally decided to include the extra into the story but it will only be a brief mention as I only want a lot of people to know how amazing the Caleplets is (with being a good person and all). And also how amazingly dense they are as well (thinking they're trash and not self-sacrificial, the idiots)

Bold letters - from novel/fanfic
[] - cut sentences/paragraphs



"Even if you said they're all allies!" tcf!Cale said as he saw various creatures there like some tigers, some whales, some dwarfs, and he think that one was a vampire. Most concerning is his previous teams and them ! He close his eyes as he suppress the records and emotions when he saw them (hyungs) who look young with another young Kim Rok Soo beside them on the screen.

"My pal Glenn was in there" tcf!Bud said happily as his trusted pal was also in the same situation as him.

"Harold was also there!" tcf!Toonka laughs loudly at Harold's sure misery in the situation.

While tboah!Cale and og!Cale was paling as he saw Amiru, Gilbert and his Eric-hyung.

"Not only them but my team and my niece are in there" og!Cale blood drain from his face at that as he never told them who he is. He could only get comfort when he saw them happy on the other side of the screen.

While everyone was busy absorbing what they found out, a certain slime goes to og!Cale.

"pyah" "pyah" "pyah!"

"Of course they're sad that they can't see their former leader... but did my team and niece really say that they were happy to be able to meet me?" og!Cale asks very hesitantly.

The slime nodded its head vigorously.

og!Cale finally let out a sigh of relief. But then...


Everyone look at the sudden outburst of the slime and most of them smile wickedly.

og!Cale grips the slime head in a tight grip.

He raised it and said, "Why on earth would you kidnapped various people!" As he shake the slime with every word he said.


Everyone decided to ignore the matter of what they saw briefly on the error screen altogether for sanity's sake as they look at the regular screen while og!Cale allows the slime to slip out of his hold.


Chapter 365: When Night Comes 3


Eruhaben kicked off the ground with a white gold colored wind at the tip of his feet. He moved forward and started to speak to Cale and the others.

"Follow me. I know the path here."

"Oh? I wonder where I'm leading them?" tcf! Eruhaben

The direction he was heading toward was the same as the direction that the white crown was showing. He looked around and casually commented.

"The path to the last Dragon Lord's grave and the path that the crown is showing are the same."

"Hm, why would I bring them there?" tcf! Eruhaben deeply thought at the reason behind it.

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