Meant To Be 2

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Thank you for the continuous support lovely readers! (っ'`)っ
Warning(I think): Alberu being angsty.

Bold font - from novel/fanfic
[] - cut sentences/paragraphs
< no. >- Author's Note


Chapter 486: Peeling layer after layer 3

"...What about my ancestor?"

"...I said that he was a criminal?"

'Is there something wrong with my ears?'

It's exactly what both the crown prince was thinking.

But that was proven wrong.

"I don't think so your highness" tboah!Cage said "Everyone here heard it as well"

As everyone agrees.

Alberu looked not majestic at all as he stuck his finger into his ear.

"I think something's blocking my ears."


tcf!Bud scrunch his face "What do you mean you want to be that something?"

"So you want to be his earwax- No! don't answer it! I don't want to know" tcf!Toonka decided he doesn't care.

"Ah. Then should I explain more clearly?"

"No need. My ancestor was a criminal, haha. How could I hear such nonsense?! Hahaha-"

"Your highness, you heard correctly."

"Huh, so that's what it is" tcf!Cale has absolute confidence that he was not lying about it. So he must have acquired information about that.

Though he might not be sure if it's only his hypothesis but if it is correct then he could somewhat understand what the boulder meant.



Cale and Alberu blankly stared at each other again.

"It's like talking about something but it flows above his head" og!Cale said.

"And then started talking about something else entirely" tboah!Cale continues.

"Yeah, that's Cale, that's Cale right now" Both finish.

Which said person ignores.

The two of them were silent for a while.

"Ah, the awkward silence where you caught the person you were talking to was not listening to you" tcf!Toonka said

"Or" tboah!Toonka adds "that moment where you both are discussing but has different topics"

"Based on experience?" The Mercenary King asks.

"Experiences" was their answer.

Alberu soon started to frown.

"This is probably the most shocking thing I've heard in a while!"

"...Is that so?"

"Is that so?!"

Alberu started to frown even more.

'I was planning on telling him about the royal family's secret and talk about if I deserved to be king... So, what the f*ck is up with this nonsense?'

"Dang, I kinda feel sorry for that crown prince" it's not like tcf!Rasheel started caring about other races but dang that transmigrator is a whole new level of confusion!

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