Meant To Be 1

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Thank you again for your never ending support \(♡⌔♡)/
Warning: so much AlCale shipping... and maybe others too. You might puke rainbows (=`▽'=)ノ彡☆

Bold font - from novel/fanfic
[] - cut sentences/paragraphs
< no. >- Author's Note


The slime finally returns after fixing the error and sending the ancient powers back to tcf!Cale's

Much to the children's displeasure.


Chapter 485: Peeling layer after layer 2

"Taking off the outer part" tcf!Beacrox started.

"Ah, like skinning someone alive" tboah!Beacrox said as a matter of fact.

"I was going to say like a fruit, such as banana... But sure" tcf!Beacrox shrugged.


"Or stripping someone clo- ok I should stop" Someone -who will not be named- thought.

Cale looked back and started to speak before walking any farther.

"Wait for me outside the door."

Choi Han quietly nodded his head and started to close the door.

"Again, how did you tame the scary peasant?

"Tame him Like a puppy at that!"

og!Cale and tboah!Cale whispered-shout towards tcf!Cale.

"Who in their right mind would tame the protagonist!?" tcf!Cale looks at them indecorously at the nonsense they were saying.


They thought.


"I'm with Cale-nim!" tcf!Choi Han cheers as he still remembers from the chapter with Raon's rescue his Cale-nim has a thought that he will be with him 'for now' but they're already read chapter 600 plus! And he was still with him!

Human! I'll be waiting with Choi Han!

tboah!Choi Han feels an ache in his heart.

Whenever he looks at the young dragon, he is always reminded of the dragon he killed.

It was another part of his many regrets.

"This is what happen when I didn't know how to protect"

He grips his scabbard.

He resolves himself that he will learn how to protect rather than kill.

So that next time...

Next time, there will be no more tragedy.

Raon said goodbye to him without coming inside as well.


"What if something happens to my human!"

"It's ok son, you're a smart dragon so you know that whatever room he was in is going to be safe"

tcf!Raon shyly beams at his mother's praise. "That's right! Mo- I'm a smart dragon!"


The door slowly closed, until...


It closed completely and Cale could not see outside.

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