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They're looking in anticipation and dread

Anticipation that it'll be the Koreans

And dread that it'll be Clopeh Sekka.

"I'll go for anything, not just that crazy!" tcf!Cale wishes.

While the slime is having a panic attack from another troublesome error.

The screen returned to normal.

"What? That's it?"

They we're disappointed.

Just as they were about to voice out their disappointment-

"This place is really identical"

"Yes but minus the glass-like wall"

Two identical elegant voices said behind the Cales.

They immediately got up and look behind.

Everyone looks at the two small children wearing a cloak that covers their body had elegantly flies down and sits on the couch like they own it.

"Who are you?" tboah!Cale demanded all while hugging On.

"No, what are you?" og!Cale corrected the question while hugging Hong.

The figure smirks.

"You three have such delicious blood," one figure said looking at the Cales.

"Especially you" the next figure add-on addressing tcf!Cale.

A vampire. Everyone thought.

"May I have a sip?"

The vampires said with a bright smile as they look at the Cales.

"What?" The Cales started to get goosebumps looking at the vampires' smile that looked somewhat decadent. "Great, another crazy"

"What funny thing you're saying, sir," a chilling benign voice said.

"Do you wish to know what a dragon fear feels like?"

"Human! Those vampires look like someone who has gone crazy! So don't give him any of your blood!"



Some were flabbergasted.

And some vicious aura was coming out of a lot of different people.

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