Chapter 3 Home again

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It's been maybe a week since I got kidnapped by Wizardmon and somehow we started a tiny friendship. Today Wizardmon came back with 8 people and 8 Digimon with him. I looked at them and started to cry happy tiers. "Please tell me it's really you Sora." I said, running up to her and grabbing onto her pant leg.

"It's really me (Y/N)." She said, crouching down to hug me. "Myotismon is defeated so you can go home now." She told me as she pulled away a bit.

"So this is your little brother?" A guy with dirty blonde hair asked her.

"Are these the new friends you were talking about?" I asked her and she nodded.

"These are my new friends." I she said with a smile. "These are Matt, Gabumon, TK, Patamon, Joe, Gomamon, Izzy, Tentomom, Palmon and Gatomon." She told me, pointing to everyone as she spoke.

"Nice to meet you!" Everyone but Tai, Agumon, Sora, Biyomon, Kari, Mimi and Wizardmon said.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) and I guess I'm a Digidestined." I said with a small wave. "Am I able to go home now?" I asked Sora with hope in my eyes. "Sleeping on the floor for weeks isn't very comfortable." I added grumpily.

"We can go home now." Sora said, taking my hand. "When mom found out you were kidnapped by a Digimon she got really worried." She told me with a sad smile.

"The kidnapping wasn't that terrible for me." I said and everyone looked at me confused. "Wizardmon was just trying to keep me safe and also become a friend of mine while he was protecting me." I explained, smiling.

"That takes looking on the bright side to the max." Tai said and laughed and everyone else joined him.

"The thing is, I still don't know who my Digimon partner is." I said a bit sadly.

"I think I know who it." Gatomon told me, making me realize who she was.

"Didn't you try to kill me a few days ago?" I asked her, squinting my eyes a bit.

"Yes but Kari and Wizardmon helped me see the good in myself." She explained and I nodded slowly. "Anyway I think your partner might be Wizardmon." She told me and we all stopped for a second.

"Go on." Me and Wizardmon said at the same time, making us laugh a bit.

"You and Wizardmon formed a friendship even though he kidnapped you." She said and everyone looked at her confused. "Wizardmon said you hated him at the beginning but you became friends anyway." She explained and I looked at Wizardmon with a small smile that he returned.

"So you really think Wizardmon might be his partner?" Kari asked Gatomon while holding her.

"Yes, it seems pretty likely." She said with a big smile.

"How do you know if someone is your partner Digimon or human?" I asked no-one-in-particular.

"It's just like this feeling in your heart." Sora told me before lifting me up onto her shoulders.

"So I'll know if he really is at one point?" I asked her as I looked down at her.

"Exactly." Tai said, giving me a thumbs up.

"I'd like me and Wizardmon to be partners." I said, smiling softly.

"As would I." Wizardmon agreed then stopped for a second. "I feel like we're forgetting something." He said as he started thinking, stroking his chin.

"What was the thing you said when you came back Sora? Crest?" I asked her and Wizardmon looked like he remembered something.

"That's it!" Wizardmon shouted and gave me 2 things. "These are your tag, crest and Digivice." He told me as I looked at the strange things in my hands.

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