Chapter 6 Enter the Dark Masters

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We were falling and screaming, a lot of us being scared of what might happen when we hit the ground. A few seconds later, we hit the ground. "Oh.... Looks like we're back." Tai said a bit disappointedly.

"Back where? In the Digital world?" Mimi asked us with concern.

"That's affirmative." Izzy said.

"It's dark." T.K commented.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird." Matt added.

"Hey, look up there!" Sora yelled.

We look up and saw what she was talking about. "Talk about weird." Tai said.

"Could that be Earth?" Matt asked Izzy since he's the genius in the group.

"It's merely speculation but it seems to be a reasonable facsimile we see Earth from here like we saw the Digital world from Earth." Izzy told us in his nerdy way.

"Gomamon? Hey where are you?" Joe asked him as he was looking around in the grass.

"Joe, I've been snoozing over here." Gomamon said from Joe's bag, making me laughing lightly.

"Oh, we'll just save the world without you the-" Joe started but all of a sudden something attacked Joe's face making him fall when the thing ran off.

The unfortunate thing is that now Joe was on the edge of a cliff."Joe!" Gomamon shouted, running to save his partner.

"Whoa. I didn't need this." Joe said as he struggled to stay on the cliff.

"Koromon Digivolve to! Agumon!"

"Tsunomon Digivolve to! Gabumon!"

"Mogimon Digivolve to! Tentomom!"

"Tokomon Digivolve to! Patamon!"

"Yokomon Digivolve to! Biyomon!"

They all started running to Joe and the In-training Digimon Digivolving to their Rookie levels. "Hold on!" Kari shouted and all the Digimon stop running then Kari walks over to the grass and bends down with me following behind her.

"Come out. You're among friends." Kari told the little creature in the grass.

"We're here to help you, not hurt you." I added, hoping that I helped. After some hesitation, the little creature walked out. It was a pink mouse with a black eye.

"Oh my goodness! It's Chumon!" Palmon shouted with total shock.

"He looks terrible. What he needs is a complete makeover." Mimi said, not meaning to be rude but still doing it.

"Don't be rude, we're here to help not hurt so that includes no insulting anybody." I told her and glared at her then looked back to Chumon.

"Mimi? Palmon?" Chumon asked them weakly. "I'm so glad you came back to save us." He said tiredly before closing his eyes, looking extremely exhausted.

"Would somebody mind helping me?" Joe asked us, putting the attention back on him.

"Whoops, I forgot all yo- uh-oh!" Gomamon started but cut himself off when he saw Joe's

"You forgot I'm here hanging off my elbows and you're off in la-la land?!" Joe shouted, being rightfully upset.

"Geez, I wander what it's like having elbows." Gomamon said, his train of thought moving to that topic.

"Joe! Figures." Tai said after seeing his situation.

"What did you guys not get when I said 'stop being rude'?" I asked them with a little irritation. Matt only gasped when he saw Joe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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