Chapter 5 The battle for Earth

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"It's Wargreymon. It says here his attack is terra force, gathering the energy around him and focusing it in the palm of his hands and Metal Garurumon has his metal wolf claw attack. He shots a powerful cold blast at his enemies then blows them to pieces." Izzy told no-one-in-particular. "Mega Digimon, they Digivolved into their mega Digimon forms." Izzy said with amazement.

"That's great cause we'll need them to beat Venommyotismon." Tentomom said.

"Yeah, that's for sure." Matt said.

"Good luck, I'll wait here." Tentomom said.

Wargraymon jumps up and tackles Venommyotismon and turns into orange energy."Way to go Wargreymon! You creamed him!" Izzy should happily. "I think." He added unsurely.

"Look, there they go." Tai said. "Go get him Wargreymon!" He shouted right after.

"Put his lights out!" Kari shouted with hope.

"Kick his Digibutt!" I shouted, grinning at how things are looking up.

Venommyotismon started getting up from the smoke. "Ice wolf claw!" Metal Garurumon shouted and shot missals, arrows basically any projectile I can think of.

It hits Venommyotismon and starts freezing him. "Frozen!" T.K started.

"Solid!" Matt finished.

Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon drop down in front of Venommyotismon and he starts moving free. "Well crap." I said disappointedly.

"It didn't work!" Metal Garurumon shouted.

"Your miserable attempts to destroy me have failed! Now you will pay!" Venommyotismon shouted with amusement in his voice. He starts laughing and shooting rainbow beams from his eyes.

Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon dodge the attack by jumping up. Now he starts shooting them at random places and one just so happens to go in the directions I'm standing in. I froze and screamed in fear. Suddenly my Digivice starts glowing.

"Wizardmon Digivolve to! Baalmon!"

All of a sudden I was picking up by an unknown Digimon and he got me out of the way just in time. "Who are you?" I asked him with confusion and worry.

"I'm Baalmon. I used to be Wizardmon." He told me and put me down next to Sora, Biyomon, Mimi, Palmon, Joe and Gomamon.

"Thank you." I said happily as I looked up at him.

"No problem. I guess this proves we're partners now." He said as he looked down at me with what I think was a smile. Kinda hard to tell.

"Right!" I shouted happily before hugging him.

"So you found your Digimon partner?" Mimi asked me and I nodded. "That's amazing!" She said excitedly.

"Jim were you able to wake anyone up?" Joe asked a guy who looks like himself.

"No, couldn't wake anyone up. I might have had to break in to try but it's to save the world." The guy who I assume is Joe's brother named Jim said.

"Alright I'm tired of fooling around. We need to defeat Myotismon once and for all." Gomamon said with determination.

"Venommyotismon." I corrected him.

"Our parents always protected us." Mimi said sadly. "Now it's time we come through for them." She told us.

"Mimi, if we do it together we can can beat him." Palmon said.

"Think so?" She asked Palmon.

"I'll try." Biyomon said.

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