Chapter 1

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[ So this is my second Megatron x Starscream story, the last one was my first attempt so this one should be better than the first one. Updates will take a little time but stay tuned! Drama, comedy, etc i try to get it all. Note; i do not own TFP (Transformers Prime) ] 

It was quite on board the nemesis, everyone was recharging...except Megatron. He was up and pacing his quarters, earlier that day Starscream had tried to terminate him and like usual he had beaten the scrap out of the poor seeker. But today something felt different when he had been doing so, like the silver seekers pleas and begging were....less desperate. Truth be told Megatron thought this was because he was getting through to Starscream or Starscream was getting used to it now and it didn't bother him as much. Either way, Megatron couldn't get his processor off that morning.  

After a few hours Megatron eventually went back to his bed. "I will have to try harder to get Starscream to learn his lesson.." The War Lord murmured as he drifted off into recharge. 

Come the morning everyone was busy doing something, except for Starscream. He was curled up on his bed, wings pressed against his back, tears falling down his face. He dreaded getting up and going about his day, he knew Megatron would mostly likely corner him and beat him up again. Starscream rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. "Is it even worth getting up?" He said to himself. 

A bang at the door made him jump, falling off his bed and landing on the floor with a bang. Starscream quickly got up and walked to the door, hesitating for a moment before opening the door. 

There stood Megatron, the big mech looked down at the small seeker with a disapproving look. "What brings you to my quarters, lord Megatron?" Asked Starscream, his wings flicking ever so slightly.  

"You know exactly what brings me here, Starscream. Unless you have forgot what you did yesterday." Megatron growled, he saw the seeker start to tremble a little but saw no fear in those red optics...just acceptance of what was going to happen.

"I didn't mean to try to terminate you, lord Megatron, i was merely suffering from lack of energon." Starscream tried to sound convincing but it wasn't working, Megatron grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off his feet so he was forced to look the bigger mech in the optics.

"It would do you well not to lie to me, Starscream. We both knoe what happens when you lie to my face." Megatron threw the poor seeker across the hallway who yelped when his back hit the wall. Today wasn't going so well for Starscream, it was bad enough he'd gotten beaten the dsy before but to be beaten again...two days in a was enough to make anyone think about their life choices. 

Starscream backed away from the approaching war lord, his wings pinned against his back in fear. "No, master, i wouldn't lie to you! Please!" He begged, closing his optics tight as he awaited a painful punch or kick, but it never came. When he opened his optics he saw Megatron had left, he slowly got to his feet and looked around. No one had seen what had happened. He quickly ran back to his quarters and locked the door before curling up on his bed again, one thought going round and round in his processor. 

Why had Megatron walked away? 

Megatron walked to his throne room, why he had walked away was a mystery to himself. Had he felt such guilt that he couldn't go through it? No, that couldn't be it, he didn't feel guilt about anything. Maybe it was the way the seeker had acted that put him off? It was hard to say, but something had made the mighty mech stop before he hurt Starscream badly. 

It was something Megatron had never done, he knew Starscream might see this as weakness and probably try to exploit it but he knew the seeker wouldn't risk it. He walked over to hjs throne and sat down, picking up a datapad and flicking through it.

Soundwave walked silently over to Megatron. "Lord Megatron. Energon signal detected." The silent mech said, using voice clips of other Decepticons like he did.

Megatron nodded. "Send some vehicons and Starscream to check it out."

[ Next chapter will be out soon!]

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