Chapter 5

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Once Megatron and Starscream were back on the Nemesis, Megatron walked to the bridge with the sliver seeker following him. He noticed the seeker had his head down and was looking more nervous with every step. It was curious in a way, but Megatron tried to take his mind off it. The warlord stopped by the controls of the great ship and ordered the Vehicons out. 

"Starscream, come here." The bigger mech ordered. He watched his second in command walk up to him, light on his pedes.

Starscream looked up at Megatron, his wings twitched nervously. "Why are we here, Lord Megatron?" The seeker dared to ask. Starscream had the horrible feeling something bad was going to happen. It always did. He found it strange how Megatron seemed to be acting 'nice' towards him, Megatron was rarely nice to the silver seeker and when he was it was never a good thing. 

Megatron smirked and pulled the seeker close to him, ignoring the surprised yelp from Starscream. He kept a firm grip on Starscream, not letting the smaller mech go. "Now, that is a question I'd gladly give the answer to. You see, Starscream, you are one of the last seekers in the universe. One of only five. It has come to my attention that you are of the carrying type..." After that Megatron let Starscream put the pieces together himself.

As Starscream put two and two together, his optics widened in terror. "Tha- That is incorrect! I am not of that type! I can't even carry sparklings, even if i wanted to!" He tried to get out of Megatrons grip but the warlord moved his grip onto Starscreams wings making the seeker give a whine of discomfort. 

"You are lying, Starscream. I can not believe a single word that comes out of your mouth!" Just as Megatron got ready to twist the seekers wing, Starscream started to beg Megatron to ask Knockout to confirm what he said was true.

Starscream closed his optics tightly and prepared himself for the pain that would surely come. But it didn't. Starscream opened one optic slightly to see Megatron thinking what he said over. Just as Starscream relaxed a little he felt Megatron suddenly start to twist his wing. "Agh!" The seeker yelled in pain.

Megatron glared at Starscream, pinning him to the floor to prevent him from getting away. Just as Megatron was about to twist and pull Starscreams wing, the door to the bridge opened.

"Lord Megatron? Starscream?" A mainly purple seeker stood staring at them, while a mainly blue seeker stood behind him. The purple seeker didn't know what to make of the sight before him, and looked to the other seeker in shock.

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