Chapter 9

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"Let me go you Autobot filth!" Starscream yelled, struggling. His attempts of freeing himself were futile and he gave a hiss. He had been stuck here for hours and it was starting to piss him off.

Optimus was standing nearby and watched the seeker struggle. He sighed. "Have you been able to get any repairs done, old friend?" The prime asked the medic.

Ratchet shook his head as he looked at Starscream who was fighting against the restraints that kept him down on the medbed. "He won't let me get close enough to do anything." He looked at Optimus. "Are you sure it was a good idea to bring him here?"

There were a few moments of silence as Optimus Prime thought it over. The silence made Ratchet uncomfortable. "It was the right thing to do. We couldn't leave him there to die." Optimus replied at last.

That was a reply Ratchet had expected and wasn't surprised by. He nodded before going over to the seeker to try and repair his wounds.

Starscream hissed when he saw Ratchet approach him, he didn't want the old mech coming anywhere near him. "Stay away from me, you Auto-scum!" 

Ratchet ignored him and grabbed some medical tools, moving over to the silver mech and starting to repair his wing. "Would you rather be in pain?" Ratchet snapped, making Starscream flinch and shut up.

If there was one thing that could shut a seeker up, it was Ratchet.

After a few minutes the repair was done and Ratchet backed away from Starscream. "There, that has to feel better."

Starscream huffed as Bulkhead and Wheeljack removed the restraints and put a wing clamp on his wings before taking him to a cell. Starscream was used to this sort of thing by now and it annoyed him, but at least this was better than being with Megatron. "Why don't you just let me go? I am of no use to you!"

Wheeljack chuckled. "I see why they call him Starscream." He laughed as he and Bulkhead put the seeker in the cell, locking the door and heading back to the main area.

Starscream sighed and sat on the small metal berth that was in one corner. Things couldn't get any worse.

Megatron meanwhile was furious. The vehicons who had been sent out in search parties had failed to find Starscream before the Autobots, and now the warlord had no way to find him. "This is just great! How hard is it to find a pathetic traitor before the Autobots?!" Megatron bellowed, shoving a vehicon against a wall as he stormed down the hallways to Starscreams old quarters.

He opened the door and looked inside. It was quite nice inside, a special berth used by seekers was on one side of the room, a desk and chair piled high with datapads was on the other. There was a dresser of sorts which had armour polish and some old polishing rags next to it. There was even a door that led to the silver seekers own personal washroom.

Megatron walked inside and rummaged around, there were blankets and pillows on the berth. He was curious what made berths designed for seekers different from the ones used by everyone else, so he put his servo on it. It was extremely soft, perfect to allow seekers to sleep on their backs and roll over without damaging their wings.

The big mech spent half an hour looking around, trying to find anything that could be useful. He spent another hour reading all the datapads. 

All seemed hopeless until he found it. The datapad that had all the answers.

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