×|Breaking up|×

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Bakugou has been dating kariage for a whole ass year and as bakugou flopped on his bed he saw his phone showed a text from kariage. He happily opened it and although he didn't expect something specific he didn't expect that text


I'm sorry I don't know if I wanna do this anymore. It's not you it's me, I don't feel right. We can still be friends if you want tho


It took bakugou a while to process this, he read it over and over until his heart started aching. Bakugou closed his phone he couldn't look God kariage knew he had trust issues its been a year a whole ass year and now he says this!? Kariage has the one always begging for affection even when bakugou was uncomfortable so, why!? Why the Hell is he saying this. Friends? Yeah we can stay friends but how do normal friends act? We were always gay with each other, teasing and touching. That was us, idk how to be friends but I'll try I don't want you to feel bad cuz I can't get over you, I knew this would happen one day, I just thought maybe later. I wish I kissed you more.
After bakugou calmed down his eyes hurt but not more than his heart. Bakugou knew kariage would break up with him because their was no chance someone would say with him more than a few years but he just thought maybe they could get a little closer before that happened. Bakugou need fresh air, a moment to breath, so he made his way to the rooftop.

The door creaked open and closed with a slightly loud bang but bakugou could hear the birds chirping and the wind gently grazed his hair and cheeks like a light goddess blessing him. Bakugou sat on a bench and he watched the clouds slowly move, but bakugou found himself thinking about moments with kariage and when he realized he regretted it. He shouldn't be thinking about him, its not that big he should just get over him. Bakugou wished he never fell in love with him.
Bakugou felt the tears stinging his eyes as he tried to push them down, he remembered kariages cold embrace altough some people might think it's weird but katsuki preferred a cold embrace than a warm one, warm ones made him clampy and hot, but cold made his skin know someone was their. He really wanted a cold embrace and with that the tears fell over the edge of his bottom eyelid, keeping his eye open did nothing. Bakugou let out a sob and huddled into the bench covering his eye, catching his tears, but he heard the door latch clicking and the same creaking followed behind it. Elove from behind the door was class 1b Monona. Bakugou felt as if maybe the world hated him, break up and now Monona here to make fun of him and tell everyone. Monona stopped in his tracks. "Bakugou?"
"Yeah! take a picture already or something!"
"Your seeing the great confident bakugou ball his eyes out so laugh at how pathetic I am already!"
"I- bakugou..I'm mean but not that mean. Whats wrong?"
"Don't act sappy, I'm not telling you anything just so you can tell the whole school" Monona closed the door by now. Monona was walking towards katsuki.Finally Monona sat on the bench next to the hunched over bakugou who sat straight up now ready to take monoma's mocking. Monona sighed then looked at bakugou with a face of concern. "I-I don't know what happened and I understand you don't trust me, you shouldn't, but I am concerned. Obviously you have feelings but even with that you don't cry often so that means something must've really hurt you.. and if you can trust me for 1 minute and tell me maybe I can help you."
"..You can't help me, I should be fine, I should get over it, my heart is just as stubborn as me."
"So it's love issues?.."
"Stop trying to figure it out it's really nothing, I'll be fine"
"Did you get broken up with?.."
Bakugou paused looking at him but the desaire no the NEED to tell someone "..yes..but I should be f-"
"No. Your never gonna be fine, not until you find someone new..I know. I used to date shinso."
"..he broke up with you?"
"Yeah I was too stubborn and cocky for him"
"You wanna get over them right?"
"You'll need some rule then."
"1. Never and I mean NEVER look at old messages"
"Are you actually gonna help me?.."

"Yes" Bakugou had a hesitant look in his eyes. "..I understand you don't trust me and I haven't give you a reason too but I can help.."
Bakugou relaxed a little. "I know you might think being with them will make you get over them but I doesn't,  it makes you fall for them even more. It makes you think about them more.. it always good to have a cuddle buddie or something."
"..I don't have anyone even close to that." Bakugou explained
"I thought kirishi-" monoma started but bakugo interrupted saying "everyone thinks he's so close to me but I bet you if I asked for a hug he would literally freak, happy., but freak like I said the world was ending" katsuki said. Monona thought for a moment and hesitated saying this but he said "I can be a cuddle buddy, if you want.." the hesitation was apparent in his voice. Bakugou looked at him for a moment before letting out a small breath and smiled.
"Your the only one I got" bakugou's eyes looked tired but he moved monomas shoulder so they were facing him and flopped into his chest. Monoma fell backwards and they were laying on a bench together, bakugou on top. They layed with each other bakugou playing with monomas hair while monoma stared at the clouds until bakugou said "we should move somewhere else before someone comes up here and sees us" "oh that's true" monoma said getting up while bakugou crawled off him and the bench. "You have my number right?" Monoma aksed
"Um lemme check." Bakugou said pulling out his phone and opening his contacts scrolling through his contact until he reached a contact called "Donald trump🧍‍♂️" he snorted and monoma looked down from the clouds in confusion "what?" Monoma asked "Nothing I just should probably change your name" bakugou replied. "What, what's my name?!" Monoma said grabbing katsuki's phone out of his hands before staring at the phone intensively. Bakugou cackled "I- I CAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THAT!" bakugou said through laughs. "Whyyyyyyyyyy?" Monoma frowned. "It's just your hair looks similar" monoma made a 'Hphm' sound before handing the phone back and leaving the roof.

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