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God complex

How do you survive if you see shinsou everyday?

Massive tension 🧍‍♂️

Anyways 😃

Wait are you asking that because you dated someone in class 1a?!

I was just wondering

Is that all you texted me for?

Yes but I'm hungry too :>

I'm not getting you food.

That's exactly why your name was Donald Trump 🙄🤚

Skdjskf stop
Wut do you want 😒


What from zaxby's

Kicking chicken and great 8 meal

Tf can I have some

Tf no 😐🖕

Guess I don't need to buy it then


Couldn't you have bought it yourself with Doordash?

Yes but everytime I got someone these extras want some too if I make you buy it then I only gotta share with you and not 3 other fatasses

Or do you just wanna eat with me 😻

Theres the door 😒👉🚪

I gotta get the food anyways so ttyl
You brat.
Bakugou put his phone and he thought 'if monoma isn't that bad then why dose he act so cocky and well lame all the time' but he shrugged putting on music his phone laying his head complety down

Monoma order Doordash to the class 1b dorms and was taking it to class 1a's dorm but he didnt really know how to get in their without them being suspicious of him, but the elevator doors open revealing class 1a's common area. Kirishima turned around "monoma?"
"Wut." Jirou said turning around "omg what do you want?" She added.
Monoma didn't have an excuse so he just said "don't mind me" he turned towards bakugous room but a large square hand was placed in front of him. "Woah woah woah, monoma I'm sorry but you can't just walk in here without telling us a reason atleast." iida said. Honeslrly monoma was kinda passed but he was ksorly just trying to come up with excuses. Finally he came up with a good one. "I just lost a bet to bakugoh and I had to buy him food." Monoma said glaring at iida lifting up the zaxby's bag in his hands. "Oh well ok."   Iida said moving aside from monoma.

Monoma sped walked to bakugous dorm although when he was about to knocked he noticed the door as already slightly opened. Monoma pushed the door letting the door creaked open. As he saw bakugou he laughed walking in.

Bakugou was half way off the bed knocked out cold while his phone played music. His head titled backwards while one arm extended out and the other layed on his chest gently.

Monoma set the zaxby's bag on the nightstand and stood over bakugou smiling. He looked peaceful and hid face could've really much have resembled a ballerinas. Monoma wanted to take a picture but instead monoma leaned into bakugou, he was going whisper in bakigou's ear to wake him up but as he leaned in bakugou's eye gently opened and bakugou gasped. Bakugou pushed his torso up in a attempt to sit up making his forehead clash with monomas. Before monoma could pull away bakugou sat up clashing foreheads in the process causing monoma to stumble back holding his forehead. Bakugou sat up on his bed also holding his forehead.
"owww" bakugou mumbled under his breath. "Sorry."
"Why were you so close?!" Bakugou slightly shouted. "I was going to wake you up but you did that on your once I guess." Monoma replied. Bakugou sighed rubbing his forehead. "Monoma." He said. "Yes?" Monoma answered hoping bakugou wasn't angry. Bakugou chuckled "do you know how scary it is to wake up to someone right in front of you?!" Bakugou turned around getting out 9f bed in the process. "I guess not?" Monoma said. "I'm not scared of many things but that is scary ok?!" Bakugou chuckled again "are you saying that based on this expirence or has this happened before?" Monoma asked. "This has happened before." Bakugou said sitting on his bed patting the area beside him. Monoma sat down saying, "can I have the pleasure of knowing what happened?" "Yeah." Bakugou said grabbing g the zaxby's bag. "My parents went on a business trip for 2 weeks and although I knew they were coming home late at night I didn't expect my dad to come into my room at 4am." Bakugou said pulling the food in the bag out. "He didn't even turn on the light so when he opened the door I woke up and by the time I turned around to see who it was, his face was already inches away from mine making scream." Bakugou chuckled and gave monoma one of the boxes with food. "Why was he so close to you tho?" Monoma said smiling and grabbing the box bakugou put in his lap. "Because he hadn't seen me for 2 weeks! He was going to give me a kiss ofc!" Bakugou said as he began to eat. "Right..I dont want to make you sad or something but I need to know how you've been so like have you thought about your ex?" Bakugou eyes darken as he stared at his food. "Mostly when I'm trying to sleep." Monoma took a bite out of the kicken  chicken before saying, "You can always call me or something I wake up pretty easily so it doesn't matter what time it is."
Bakugou cringed before looking away causing monoma to raise an eyebrow "what?"
"It's so weird to see you being so nice to me!" Bakugou looked back at him. Bakugou chuckled before eating a chicken. Monoma rolled his eye before saying "bro your Classmates are so annoying they were interrogating me and stuff" bakugou chuckled "loser." He said. Monoma sighed slouching into bakugou's bed causing bakugou to look at him with a confused look. "Sorry it's just- can you tell me more about your ex?" 
"Well his name is kariage so you can stop him my ex"
Monoma nodded "wait!- him! Your gay!? I-i mean I knew you were an ally but I didn't expect you were dating a guy!" "Pfft-"


It was nice talking to monoma he definitely distracted me for the most part and I felt as if I could just sit and talk forever. He ain't that bad, he still a loser tho.

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