×||!dammit its confrontation!||×

705 18 21

*knock knock*

I'm a light sleeper so I wasn't surprised when I woke up to the sound of knocking but it still bugged me. Who tf is at my door and why are they disturbing my sleep. "WHO IS IT!?" I say aggressively for just waking up. I asked but I also opened the door before whoever rot was could even answer. I looked up "Yes? Do u need anything?" I asked. Sero smiled nervously. "I know I, not close to you and you probably wouldn't want me doing this but, I'm not turning a blind eye, you look really tired and I know something is on your mind." He said. It kinda stabbed my heart but I crossed my arms "I don't know what you mean tape face" and sero seemed unapalled by my respond. "Bakugou. Don't lie, something happened and it happened yesterday because you were fine until then." Sero narrowed his eye. "I just got in a fight with my mom." I said as an excuse. Sero stared at me for a few seconds before saying "lair." I rolled my eyes "believe what u want." Sero then pushed me aside closing the door, locking it, and leaning on it with his arms crossed. "I'm not leaving til I get answers, the bakusquad can't be themselves when their leader is obviously upset." He said. I couldn't imagine telling sero what happened. What that I kissed monoma and that I might like him and he pretty much ran away from me and idk how to talk to him? Yeah what a pleasant situation I'm in. I pouted. "Let start off with who is making you upset" sero said. "Monoma." I said a bit to quickly and immediately regretting it. It's very possible monoma made me upset but not in the way he probably thought. Sero clicked his tongue. "What did he say this time?!"  Sero asked. I looked down "uh- nothing?" Sero called bullshit with his eyes. It not like I wasn't dying to tell someone about this but I kissed monoma and there nothing sero could help with. I fucked up. Monoma fucked up. We both fucked up. "What could monoma do that messed with you this much?!" Sero asked to Noone in particular. I groaned grabbing my face and flopping on my bed. He wouldn't get it. 

Soon I felt sero sit next to me causing the mattress to dip.

"Dude I know your strong but seriously your making me worry" he sighed. I layed on the bed not moving a inch tempted to push sero off so I can deal with my own bullshit.

I'm so fucking dumb! "Why did I trust him!?" I accidentally said out loud. Sero let out a 'huh?' Before saying "I don't get it did you make a deal with him?"

I sat up even though my body felt heavy. I wish I could sleep through this.

"Kinda i guess" I answered.

Sero sighed and I could feel eye of pity falling on me. I just looked at my legs and the bed sheets under them. "Bakugo..I know we're not the closest in the group but I can stay here all night and u can explain everything or I can stay here and..idk give u snacks" sero chuckled "idk how u cope."

I looked at him trying to tell if he was sincere. I stared for a good minute half of me in disbelief and the other half trying to figure out if I can tell him shit. "Zaxbys?" I chirped out.


"Can we go to zaxbys maybe I can explain over there?" I explained

"Oh OK sure!" Sero got up "we need to go to my dorm first tho"

I nodded before realizing he wasn't looking at me
I internally laughed at myself before saying "ok."

I put a black sweater, Grey sweatpants, and shoes on before following sero to his room so he could get his shoes,phone, etc.

We checked out of the dorms taking the bus close enough that we could walk to a local zaxby's. I could tell sero wanted to talk then but I felt like my eyebags were digging into my skin. I definitely needed that walk though, their was a slight breeze and it wasn't dark nor bright. A nice blue Grey <3

We walked up to the zaxby's and sero opened the door for me. I knew exactly what I was getting, mostly bc I get the same thing almost everytime.

Sero insisted on paying and who am I to not accept free food while sulking?

"Hi! what may I get you" A girl with her hair in a bun , said. My stomach dropped suddenly remembering I hate ordering. I sucked in a breath. "A number 5" I spouted. Sero turned to me with with smile "any recommendations?" He asked. It was clear he wasn't familiar with this place. "Um..you can try the great 8 meal." I answered and he turned to the cashier who was already putting that down. "Is that it?" She asked looking up. Sero looked at me asking a non-verbal question. "Oh can I have zaxby sauce?" I remembered and she nodded her head. She gave a receipt telling us our number was 69. Sero laughed and I glared at him.

(I love zaxbys which is why I like including it in my stories ajfjjsfjjd)

We picked a table and I noticed sero looking at the interior of zaxbys. It was a little old fashion with old papers or sayings but it wasn't so old that I didn't like it, which is why I like it. My cousin used to work here which is when I became my favorite fast food.

"Are u going to tell when we get the food orrr.." sero said trailing off. "No I might as well start now since I'll probably be stuffing my face." I said thinking  'The chicken here is to good to even talk when u have it.'
Plus the sooner I can get it out of me maybe the sooner I can sleep. I wouldn't have a enough time to explain half of it anyways seeing as this is a fast food restaurant.

"Soo.. monoma?" Sero asked?

"No no no! OK. It dosent start with monoma ok?" Sero nodded confused. "So like I had a 'boyfriend' since like the end slash beginning of 7th and 8th grade but like ever since I been at ua I haven't really since he and idk I guess he meet someone else at his hughschool so Yadah yadah yadah we broke up. And don't say 'u didn't tell me u had a boyfriend!' Or something bc I haven't come out to anyone besides the mirror. "
Sero smiled a little , listening very closely. I sighed before pulling out my phone and finding a picture of kariage. I turned my phone towards sero and sero chuckled "he is kinda hot"
"I know. Ok! But like I've never really dated people so I'm surprised we lasted a year yeah know!? And I don't know how convincing it is to you but like..I actually liked this guy." I exclaimed looking around to make sure no one was easedropping.
Sero "yea dude it dosent matter that ur all 'die! Die!' U still have feelings!"
"Oh." I sat up more. "Well people idk find it hard to believe?" I said and sero rolled his eyes. "Go on"

"Ok..so would u believe if I said I was sad?" I asked.
"Yea of course!" sero looked at me like I was dumb. I still didn't believe him "but I mean sad sad like-" I slide a finger down my face symbaling tears. "Hard to imagine but ofcourse I believe you!" Sero answered letting out a small sigh.
"Ok but like I was doing that-" I made a tear with my finger again. "On the roof and like stupid monomas ass came up their and saw me!"
"Oh no." Sero said his face getting serious.
"I know I know! I thought he was gonna laugh at me too! but he didnt! And he sat with me and like- don't tell anyone.- but he told ME that HE dated SHINSO and that shinso broke with him and that feelings like those aren't feelings he would make fun off." I said slightly louder as I was also kidna processing what happened myself.

"Number 69!" Someome yelled and both me and sero shot our heads towards the front.

1416 words

Lol sorry I didn't update for a while I went on vacation but I think this is a pretty good chapter!
Idk u tell me lol

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