▪︎|| Another Mistake ||▪︎

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Baku pov:

We both rapidly stood up to get the food before Hanta sat back down "You get it, I want sprite btw."

I quickly grabbed the food filling our drinks at the soda station and going back to the table.

"Where was i?" I asked, sitting back down with the tray and drinks.

"Monoma got dumped by shinso?" Sero answered, grabbing his food from the tray.

"Oh yea." I paused trying to find out where to begin. "Then he kinda made a silent deal with me where like if he needed someone he was there"

"And you talked to him?" Sero asked.
I sighed. "Yea.. he just seemed so sincere"

"I will admit you 2 do have similarites but..?"


Sero nodded "and you guys started hang out right?" Then I nodded "I know cuz I've seen monoma come into class 1a's dorms." Sero explained.

"Wait I don't get it so what did he do?" Sero asked.

"Oh we haven't gotten there yet..but he kissed me. well actually we kissed each other but he ran away after we..did that."

Sero face when through shock, confusion, and anger at the same time. "Wait wha-!? So you like him?" Sero's voice cracked due to shock.

"..yeaaaaaa." I said stuffing my mouth with fríes.

"Wait- Wait did I miss a part in the story?!" Sero croaked out. "You!" Sero scoffed "YOU like MONOMA?!"

I looked at sero, I knew he wasn't homophobic so wtf?

"WHY!?" He asked.

"Are you really asking why?" I slumped into my chair.

Hanta took a sip of his sprite. "Yes!"

"Well..his crooked joker smile and his ego is the same as mine. And he's actually pretty funny." I smiled but then felt a wave of sorrow and regret with it.

"ok ok but like he ran away right?" Sero said, regaining his composure.

"Yea." I rolled my eyes taking a bite of my food.

"So- Yeah you need to talk to him.." sero shrugged.

"But like how?" I asked getting slightly frustration.

"Well we don't really know why he ran so.. idk try to figure out that." Sero explained.


They finished their food while sero convinced katsuki how it was okay and that even if he didn't like bakugou he barely had to see him as he wasn't in class 1a.

"It's like going through 2 break ups yet one of them you didn't even date yet!" Bakugou said walking into the dorms.

Luckily everyone was getting ready for bed.

Sero pulled bakugou towards his dorm.

"Look man I actually understand people don't really like me like that. I'm to friend like or average."

They walked to his dorm sero's arm over katsuki's shoulder.

"I think all of us just want romantic love sometimes."  Sero added and bakugou nodded under him.

"I used to think is was unloveable.." bakugou whispered but hanta catching what he said stopping a few meter from his dorm.

Sero pulled bakugou in front of him cupping his face making sure he looked at him. "What?.." He asked into the suddenly still air.

"What?.. I mean do you see the way I act?" Bakugou asked.

"No no.. bakugou! Why would you think that!?" Bakugou didn't reply. "Everyone in the bakusquad loves you for the way you are! We-we like your explosiveness!" Sero exclaimed and bakugou slightly smiled his face still resembling a sorrowful look.

Sero looked at him reflecting the same sorrow before he hugged him. Karsuki was slightly shocked before he relaxed into Hanta's hold. Hanta rubbed his back gently. Then bakugou realized he hasn't gotten hugged like this ever. The tears started pooling in his eyes, thoughts of kariage, monoma, his mom, and sero going off.

Hanta picked katsuki up opening the door. He took off his shoes with his feet by the door before putting katsuki on his bed.

"Wait what are we doing?" Bakugou asked, wiping his tears.

"I'm giving you cuddles cuz your obviously touch started, which is depressing by the way." Sero said taking his shoes off.

"But I need to get to my dorm." Katsuki said trying to grab his shoes back.

"No." Hanta said pulling bakugou's shoes away "You can sleep here anyways."

"Thats kinda gay." Bakugou commented.

"Please." Sero rolled his eyes, standing up immediately getting on top of bakugou.

"Were homies" He said pulling the blankets over them.
"Homies kiss each other good-night."

"Don't do that." Bakugou quickly added.

Sero chuckled "Whatever get comfortable." With that he turned off the lights.


Bakugou woke up to Hnata's alarm, he shook Hanta awake before going to his dorm to change for class.


When the class got fixed into their seats. Aizawa still missing. Iida walked up to katsuki. "Bakugou, your here later then usually..and I saw you walking up of sero's dorm, is there something I need to know?" He said pushing his glasses up.

"1. Why are you interrogating me 2. No there's nothing going on 3. I just didn't wake up as early today." Sero's alarm was much later then his and seeing as iida was in class early it's was easy for him to notice bakugou's tardy-not-so-tardy behavior.

"Well you've been slightly sadder these past days." Iida explained.

"Are you calling me weak sonic?!" I snapped back.

"No of course not!" Tenya chopped his hand

I rolled my eyes "whatever." Then iida went back to his seat.


The Bell rang for lunch and the class scattered out.

The bakusquad sat together when Uraraka approach them.
"Sero? Why was bakugou in your room in the morning?"

"What?" Hanta asked.

"What..?" Denki asked behind him.

Just as this tension started teasing it was broken by monoma himself. "Can I talk to you bakugou?" He asked arms crossed.

"Wha-" Katsuki confused looked to sero before standing up. Monoma quickly pulled Bakugou out into the hall.

"What the fuck?!" Monoma shouted. Bakugou flinched back shocked and confused. "So like did you hook up with Sero now?"

"What ar-" Bakugou started. "Are you that attention seeking!? I bet you like all the attention on you!"

"What are you going on about?" Katsuki shouted.

"YOU! Your a whore! Did you even get broken up with or did you just get into a fight with sero?"  Monoma spouted out, why did it feel like he was getting cheated on?

"I wasn't- I'm NOT dating Sero!" Bakugou defended.

Monoma started spilling angry tears. "Did you just kiss me for fun?!"

"No!" He yelled back. Bakugou then got sucker punched in the face. Falling back he yelled "What the fuck!?"

Monoma sat on bakugou grabbing his collar.
"Do you like me?!" He yelled.


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