Is the Bakusquad ok?

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Bakugou sobbed messily his sleeve completely wet by now. All Monoma could do was hold him comfortably.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Bakugous wet voice asks from under Monomas chest.

"It's against the rules.." Neito says.

"..I don't fucking care, I don't wanna see any of my classmates." Katsuki says with a shaky voice but venom anyways

Monoma chuckles "Yeah, I didn't really actually care either" there's a beat of comfortable silent before Neito says "But you'll have to see them in class.."

Katsuki goes silent.

"It's ok Aizawa-Sensei will be there. I'll manage"

Monoma plays with Katsuki's spikes softly "Text or call me if you need anything I'll be right there."

Katsuki sighs softly with a small smile leaning into Neito's chest. "I will."

- - -
Maybe he didn't though.

The second Bakugou woke up in the morning he felt like throwing up. He did not want to see any of his classmates.

Slowly he started crying moving closer to Monomas body behind him. Pulling the arm around his waist closer. Maybe Katsuki did like warm embraces.

"Wha- Katsuki what's wrong!" Monomas voice said and Katsuki felt him getting up while Bakugou's face distorted and he felt his chest squeeze harder.

Monoma cupped his face. "Katsuki, why are you crying?" He asked gently.

"I don't wanna go to class!" Katsuki jerked and he hated how little and whiny he sounded.

"I'm sure everything will be ok." Monoma smiled pulling Katsuki to his chest and Katsuki opened his mouth to say 'no it's not' but decided against it.

"Come let's get ready" Neito shifted to get off the bed and it took Katsuki every muscle in his body to not whine. He didn't wanna let go of Neito.

The thought of leaving and going to class made Katsuki uncomfortable, like he wanted to cry again.


304 words

I'll write more I swear!! I just wanted to give you guys a little something since I've been gone for so long. If your wondering what happened I kinda forget about this 😅

Haha lol sorry y'all. I also reread it and yes I will fix the grammer mistakes and honestly just suitty writing

Hope you like it ☹️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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