chapter 2

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As I get to the hospital I see 2 new patients one with a broken nose, from falling off the ladder he was using to paint his Air Craft, then the next one is getting his blood test he missed yesterday. 

I get to my desk and check in on our daily planner, later today at 2pm is the eye tests for all pilots to see if they're able to see when flying, I get excited just thinking about seeing Danny today, after having some time to think about everything I have gone through our situation, nothing has changed, if anything I feel more open hearted to let Danny in.

I spoke to Betty some more this morning before work about the date, she said "your face lights up as soon as I talk to you about him", "is that a bad thing?", "no, of course not, it seems fast but then again sometimes youve got to experience life in fast track. I know you don't believe in love at first sight blah blah blah, but you have to believe in soul connections right? otherwise what's the point of life?", "you think Danny and I have a soul connection?", "it's hard for me to say because I'm not you but, you've known each other for a day and you both seemed smitten when you got back last night", "really?, I like him. Alot. But I don't want to rush into things", "Ellie with our line and Danny's line of work there's no such thing as rushing into things, you never know what could happen tomorrow, why wait a long time for something that could not be there tomorrow. You get what I mean?". "I guess".


I'm sitting down for my break, outside in the sun reading 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austin, when I see something blocking my light and look up seeing McCawley and Danny, "so she reads as well", McCawley asks, "yes she does, I'm right here Lieutenant", Danny smirks at my remark, "yes, sorry ma'am", Rafe apologises, I smile, "I'm only joking, don't worry about it. Now is there a reason you both are here? are either of you hurt?", "no Ma'am, I'm here to see you", Danny states, turning red I say, "oh you are huh?", he nods and shoo's Rafe away, rafe walks into the hospital and does whatever it is he's doing. "What did you want to see me for?", "just to see you". "mind if sit?", I nod to next to me. "so what are we reading?", "Pride And Prejudice", "another romance?", "what can I say, I love, love", "oh yeah?" he flirts, wiggling his eyebrows, I nudge him and laugh. I open the book, he pulls me leaning on him like last night so my head is in his lap and we read my book. 


Rafe walks out 15 minutes later and sees our position, he smirks and winks at Danny, I roll my eyes and sit up, "I'm sorry about him", "no it's alright, I've got to get back now anyway", "ok well, when will I see you again?", "in approximately..." I look at my watch, "20 minutes", his face lights up yet confusion. I walk away but turn to see him staring at me, I blow a kiss and wink. 


"When will I see you again?" I question, "in approximately 20 minutes", excitement feels me, I get to see her again soon! I clap myself on the back in my head, as Ellie turns to walk away I stare at her, "everything about her from the sway of her hips when she walks to the way her hair flows in the wind is completely mind fogging, she's gorgeous. She looks round at me before going through the door, blows and kiss then winks, and I near enough melt at that gesture. How can someone feel this way about someone so quickly?. Rafe finally walks over to me, "I'm sorry bro, but you're in deep" he states and hits my back... am I? is this too quick? what if I'm moving to fast?, what if she thinks I'm too clingy?, all these question spiral in my head, until I think about how she likes me a lot as well and I don't care. We'll take things as they come.


20 minutes exactly and we are called in to the hospital for our eye tests, as my last night is near the end, I'm right at the back of Ellies line waiting for my turn, she looks up at me every now and then and I pull a funny face that she laughs at.

Then it's my turn, "please sit down Mr Walker", I do as she says and look at the board, "please can you read out these letter as you see them", "D...E...W... S...Q...T...K...H...L...G...", "excellent, now these", the letter get smaller implying they're further away, "A...R...X...Z...M...O...P...", "perfect Mr Walker", she writes down everything then looks up at me, "you're done", "thank you Miss Samuels".  Suddenly I hear Rafe complaining about his score... "oh come on, I can read that!" he moans, "Lieutenant McCawley...", I look at Ellie and we both walk over, "she's failing me because i got  a few letters mixed up", I look at the nurse... "that's dyslexia Mr McCawley", Ellie states looking through the results, "come on... Rafe is the best flyer. Please pass him Ma'am, he is the greatest, don't fail him on this. Please" I surrender. His nurse Evelyn, looks at us both, then at Ellie. Ellie nudges her a bit as if to say, 'I won't mention this to anyone'. "Fine".

"See you soon Miss Samuels", I wink then walks out with Rafe at his hip.  



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