Workaholic || Howie x NB Reader (platonically)

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Howie's POV:
I was working on a clock tower, as I do any day.
"Woah!" I heard a voice say in astonishment.
"Huh? What do you want?" I looked down. "Oh,
Y/N. Hello." I nodded towards them and continued building.
"How long did it take for you to build this?" They asked.
I sighed.
"Two days, took me longer than I thought it would."
"Longer?" They asked.
"Yeah, I should have been done with this darn clock tower in a day, if I hadn't fallen off the scaffolding and broken my arm."
I flashed my bandaged arm.
"You broke your arm?"
"Well, fractured. But I'm okay, this ain't nothing." I shrugged, and winced in pain "S-See? I forgot about it, f-for a moment.." I rubbed my arm, but then got back to building.
"You need to take breaks Howie." Y/N said sternly.
"I don't, I plan on working til' I'm dead."
"And if you keep working that won't take very long!" They snapped.
"That's what I'm going for." I rolled my eyes as I worked.
"They're...not wrong..." One of my worker bees mumbled.
"They aren't, and neither am I." I shrugged again, and hurt my arm again. "DAMNIT!" I didn't even realized that I had dropped my wrench until I heard it clang on the ground.
Before I could go down and get it, Y/N had climbed up the scaffolding and handed it to me.
"There you go." They smiled.
"Thanks.." I mumbled "You don't need to help me, I can get 'round just find."
"You hurt yourself twice in five minutes, Howie."
I huffed "You don't need to remind me."
I started working faster, I could feel my arm start hurting, but the sooner I get this done...The sooner I can start building something else, I guess.
"Slow down Howie! Your bandages!"
The adrenaline was pumping through me like never before, I couldn't feel anything.
I stood up, and kept building.
"Howie! Don't step over the e-"
I felt myself fall backwards.
Before I hit the ground, someone grabbed my good hand.
"Howie...You idiot." Y/N chuckled.
"You don't need to help me." I muttered
"Would you prefer me drop you?" Y/N jokingly relaxed their hand.
"NO! I-I"
"Okay, then let me help you." Y/N pulled me back up the scaffolding.
"I forget your epithet was strength.." I looked away for a moment.
"You're not that heavy, Howie." They looked past me.
"Y-You're arm.." Y/N said
I realized my bandages had fallen off while I was working, and as I realized that...The adrenaline high stopped.
"A-AGH! DAMN ARM." I gripped it tightly, feeling tears fill my eyes.
"Howie! Did you fracture it more?" Y/N asked frantically, and my worker bees came over to me.
"Yeah, b-but I'm fine."
"You're crying." Y/N wiped my eyes for me.
"A-Am not." I looked away.
"We need to get you to the hospital, you're arm looks all bent."
"Because it is all bent.."
Y/N stuck their tongue out.
"Worker c-can take a break." I said quietly.
They started talking amongst themselves.
"Thanks...I guess.."
"Don't mention it." The pulled off my hard hat and ruffled my hair.
"H-Hey!" I turned a little red in embarrassment.
"Pfft, dork."

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