Overstimulated || Arnold x Bugsy || Romantically

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(A/N: Understand that Arnold x Bugsy is my favorite ship and that Howie is my comfort character, ya'll are gonna see a lot of these three whether you like it or not)
Bugsy's POV:
"Arnold? Arnold my love?" Where has he gone off too?
I keep walking around the forest, this is where I saw him going last. He probably ran away from all the commotion and fighting.
"A-Arnold? You're starting to worry me! Where are you?" I started walking faster, please be safe. I know I can be a jerk to him, but I just really hope he's safe.
I tripped over a stick.
"Ah! Darn it! My nose.." I sat up, rubbing my face.
When I heard quiet sobs and mumbling.
"A-Arnold?" I looked around frantically.
That's when I saw him.
Arnold was in a ball next to a tree, rummaging through his wallet and sobbing.
"Arnold!" I walked over to him.
"Calmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdowmcalmdowncalmdown!" He started rocking back and forth, as if I wasn't there.
I sat next to him.
"Arnold, Arnold are you alright?" I rested a hand on his shoulder.
He was still panicking, but he looked at me.
"B-Bugsy?" His hands were shaking crazily.
"What's wrong? You lose a coupon or something?" I asked jokingly.
"It's too loud..." Tears rolled down his face.
I scooted a little closer.
"It's okay Arnold, the fighting is over..."
I draped my arm over his shoulder.
He leaned onto me.
"I..I'm tired.." And in seconds, I heard a small yawn, and then quiet, nearly breathless snores.
I went red.
"God you're adorable.." I whispered
He mumbled in response.
I carefully picked him up.
"We should probably catch that train.."

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