Real Ass Goddamn Girlfriend || Percy x Ramsey || Romantically

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Ramsey's POV:
"Hey, Percy."
"Yes, my love?" She turned to look at me.
Her it goes.
"Remember how you said that you can milk pinecones?"
"The Pineth Cone? Yes."
"Well I got another cone you can milk!" I did awkward finger guns.
Reaaaal smooth, Murdoch.
"Really? I wouldn't object to that." She smiled and grabbed my hand "After-all, my favorite animal is a rat."
Oh shit.
"I-I uh.." 
She pulled me in for a kiss.
How did I end up with her? Why did she pick me?
When we pulled away I looked away, all red.
"That was a cute pickup line though." She kissed me on the cheek "Consider that an action of appreciation."
"Gah! Stop it!" I covered my face.
She giggled.
"You're just precious, Ramsey."
"Stop it! I can't deal with this! I was trying to make you flustered but now..Ugh!" I groaned.
"Pfft, it was a good attempt, but you will never beat me in the game of love."
"I know that! But I tried!"
"And it was very adorable and memorable." She rubbed my head, and giggled softly.
"What?" I asked.
"You really are like a rat, you like head pats."
I turned even redder "Hey! I-I.." I sighed "You're right...I do like head pats.."
(A/N: My first suggestion! Delilahmonclova1814 )

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