HAHA ADOPTED || Giovanni x Molly|| Platonically

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Molly's POV:
I sat at the register at the toy store, thank god I got the day shift today.
Someone walked in.
"Oh, Giovanni- I-I mean boss." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Hello beartrap! I've come with something important!"
"What's up?"
"Here!" He slammed a paper down in front of me.
"Hm, what's this?"
"Sign here to join my pyramid scheme!" He smiled brightly.
"Hm, I have nothing to lose." I quickly scribbled down my signature "There." I put my pen back down.
"What do you mean?" I tilted my head to the side.
"Really?" I felt excitement bubbling up inside me.
"Yes! I also recently bought a house too! So I could actually adopt you and not kidnap you.."
"You we're gonna kidnap me?"
"Well no...But if I didn't have a house I couldn't get the actual adoption forms."
"Oh...So you were going to kidnap me with my consent?"
"That's what adoption is pretty much." He shrugged.
"Y-Yeah.." I felt small tears bubbling in my eyes, the same way all this happiness was bubbling in my chest.
"Are you okay? Please don't cry.."
"I...I'm just so happy!" I walked past the register table and hugged him.
"O-Oh! I was worried.." He bent down and wrapped his arms around me "I would never want to upset my daughter.."
"Thank you...Papa.." I whimpered into his shoulder.
"Also...my house is just a small two bedroom apartment...I-It's not very great.."
"It's better then b-being here.."

And we walked out...
"So uh...what do fathers and daughters do exactly?" He asked.
"I don't know, care about eachother?" I shrugged
"Hm...Well, we're already doing that right?"
"How about...We go get ice cream!"
He grabbed me by the back of my hoodie like a kitten and ran to the ice cream shop.
I didn't realize my dad was so fast.
He dropped me in front of the ice cream parlor.
"What would you like?" He asked.
"I...I don't know, I don't normally get ice cream.."
I twiddled my thumbs.
"Really? How about...Chocolate ice cream?" He asked
I nodded. "O-Okay."
"Alright awesome!" He walked up to the register.
"Wait...what size?" He asked.
"Uh...Can I get a medium..?"
"Yeah okay! Rainbow sprinkles?"
"Can I?"
"If you want."
I nodded "Thank you.." I whispered.
"Don't worry about it!" He looked back at the cashier  "Two medium chocolate ice creams with sprinkles.." He ordered.
"Alright! That will be right with you!" The lady at the cash register said.
"Okay! Let's go sit down!" Giovanni-- dad --brought me over to a table and we sat down.
"So uh..." I sat there "Did my dad sign the paper?"
"He did, I just handed it to him and said 'sign this here' he did it right away."
"I guess it goes to show he doesn't really care about me after all..."
"Well I do! Because you are my daughter now!" He smiled at me.
"Thanks...Dad.." I mumbled. "But why?" I asked
"Whaddya mean?" His smiled dropped a little
"Why did you adopt me?"
"Well one, you're adorable, two you stuck by my side that entire time in the museum, and three, I knew you wouldn't be able to afford joining my pyramid scheme, but I still wanted to be with you.." He mumbled the third part, but I still heard him.
"That...That means a lot." I smiled, and he smiled more again too.
"Of course! You got adopted by the one and only Giovan- WOAH!" He fell of his chair before he could finish his sentence.
"Pfft, you okay dad?"
"I am...f-fine...Maybe concussed, b-but fine!" He sat up, holding his head.
"Two medium chocolate ice creams with rainbow sprinkles?" Someone called out, it must be the cashier.
"I got it." I walked over to the lady, grabbed the ice cream, thanked her, and came back.
"Th-Thank you...Bear trap.." He lifted his head from the table.
"Did you hit your head that hard?"
"Well heres your ice cream." I placed the cup in front of him, then sat down and starting eating.
After maybe a minute, he sat up and started eating too.
"Sorry, I am such an idiot." He chuckled.
"B-B-But in a good way!" I reassured him.
"Yeah, yeah I guess so.."
"I mean..Aren't you like a leader of the banzai blasters?"
"Captain, and uh..That still doesn't give me much power."
I smiled
"That's still pretty cool to me!"

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