I-It's not what it looks like! || Arnold x Bugsy || Romantically

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Bugsy pushed me against a wall.
"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." He whispered in a low tone.
"B-Bugsy!" I felt myself turning red.
He chuckled, and then he pressed his lips to mine.
I felt his hands run down my back.
Shivers ran down my spine as his tongue entered my mouth.
"Ooh! What are you two doing?" I heard a pesky, yet familiar voice.
"A-AH! GIOVANNI IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" I wiped the saliva from my mouth, turning utterly and completely red.
"You two were totally gonna smash!" He teased.
"Giovanni Potage! Do not assume such...what's the word.." Bugsy lost his train of thought
"Prejudice..?" I whispered
"Y-Yes! Don't assume such prejudice behavior just from a simple kiss!" He turned a bit red in the face.
"You two were totally gonna, but whatever." And he walked off.
"That was way more then a simple kiss." I leaned over to him and whispered.
"Oh, yes it was.."
"CALLED IT!" We heard him yell.
"GIOVANNI PROTAGE!" Bugsy shouted back.

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