Pink Lip Stick || Howie x Percy || Semi-Romantically

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(A/N: I don't really know how to feel about this ship just yet, like it seems cute, but I don't think these two have that kind of relationship. I've seen the ship art, it seems kinda wonky. But eh, maybe writing about the ship will make me like it more, but maybe not :/)
Howie's POV:

"Hey. Percy." I called out to her before she walked away.
"Yes Howie?" She looked back at me.
"Thanks for...trying to warn me.." I look away for a moment "I should have listened, if I had I wouldn't have ended up looking like an old man."
"It's okay Howie, I know it must have felt rage inducing to see your work be shot at for fun." She smiled and walked back towards me.
"And it was very brave of you to stand up to her."
"Yes." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Consider that a sign of appreciation." She walked off.
I stood there for a moment, but then went back over to my worker bees, who were now standing next to the rusted and broken scaffolding.
"Alright worker bees, since the scaffolding isn't in a worker-safe shape, we'll have to continue building tomorrow." I shrugged "It's a minor set back, but not horrible."
My worker bees nodded.
"Excuse me?" One of them asked.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"You have a pink mark on your face." They pointed at my cheek.
"Wait...Did Percy have lipstick on?" I mumbled, then wiped my face.
"Did I get it?"
"Nope, just smudged it."
"Damn it Percy, stupid pink lipstick." I kept rubbing my cheek.
My worker bees started laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"It's all over your cheek now!"
"What?" I looked down at my hand, it was covered in pink.
They laughed harder.
"Oh shut up!" I started smiling a little.
I never knew Percy wore lipstick..

The more you know I guess

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