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and he wasn't there

Niki ran into the room and told me that she hasn't seen ghostbur all morning and that she was incredibly worried. She told me she would go search for him with me after she delivers something that a customer had bought. She said that he asked for it to be delivered early in the morning for his boyfriends birthday, which I completely understood.

I stood up and looked at the empty bed that once had two people in it. Most recently, only one person. It was amazing that after what was said last night that he just left. No note, no warning, no nothing. Just left me in the dark. It made me feel a bit better that it wasn't necessarily him causing the problem, it was just aliveburs master plan.

I went with niki to deliver the flowers to her customers and wish them happy birthday. Immediately after, we started our small search party. We decided that if after a few hours we couldn't find him, we would recruit more people to help find him, dead or alive. We started looking in the usual places to see if he just wandered off by himself, the library, the field, the ruins of manburg, and snow chester. No sign of ghostbur.

At this point we started to worry. My ghost was off somewhere with a hex on his back and for all I know he could be dead. We might as well just be searching for a dead body, maybe even a revivebur if we're lucky.

After hours on hours of intensive search, we couldn't find him or friend. Which wasn't surprising because friend follows him almost everywhere, but I couldn't lose two of them.

I ran to the beach trying to find him, but it was no use. Neither him or friend was nowhere to be found by the salty coast. I wasn't giving up on all hope quite yet though.

I arrived at the small house Tommy had been staying at for the time being. I softly but urgently knocked on the door. He didn't answer. I knocked again, but this time harder. He didn't answer again. After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to ask Tubbo about the missing man and boy.

As I reached snowchester for the second time today, I knocked on the door of ranboo and tubbo in the same way that I did on Tommy's. No answer. I immediately thought back to alivebur. What if he was trying to kill all of them? My anxiety kicked in along with my adrenaline. I ran as fast as I could to Phil's house, and instead of knocking, ran into the house. I startled Phil, but when he say my anxious expressions he forgot about everything and walked out of the house with me.


"Where could they be?" Phil frantically said, speed walking along side me.

"I have no clue. Niki is also looking for them and I haven't heard anything from her." I said, still in my frazzled anxious attitude.

"That's good. We'll find them, I promise." He held out his pinkie just like ghostbur did the night before. The first thing I thought was, why is this family so obsessed with pinky promises? I must admit that it was kinda cute, but weird at the same time. I ended up promising him.


We still haven't found any of them and we've searched everywhere. There almost was no hope for anyone of them, and we prepared for the worse. We still checked everywhere. Every (nook and cranny.)

We all looked down towards the beach near the prison as our last look spot before heading in for the day. As I watched them all huddle outside of the prison, my blood boiled. Then settled back down to a simmer when I realized what they were doing.

They were visiting dream....

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