Hey Neighbor

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"Gwen... Gwennnnnnn, are you still listening?" demanded an annoyed Tony Stark.

"Oh, yeah, totally listening," lied Gwen quickly.

"Were you daydreaming again?" asked Tony, outraged.

"I mean, is it the same one every day?" Tony added, worried.

"Yeah... always the same..." sighed Gwen, exhausted.

"When I'm daydreaming, every fucking time I fall off some bridge."

"The scary thing is, it feels so real, but it isn't important, right?"

"Back to the important stuff. I found out where our spider-boy lives. I'm not sure who it is, but he's new at this business, leaving tracks everywhere."

"So, my theory is it has to be a younger person. Maybe a teenager or a young adult," Gwen explained.

"Good job, Stacy. Who knew that a lab rat could be so observant?" joked Tony.

"Haha, the lab rat was once an agent, Stark," joked Gwen back.

"Bye, Tony."

"Bye, Gwen."

After her conversation with Tony, Gwen decided to visit her new neighbor. She dressed casually in jeans, a white blouse, and sneakers. After getting ready, she closed her apartment door and rang her neighbor's bell.

A minute later, the door opened to reveal the teenage boy who had helped her with her luggage the day before. "Hey, neighbor. How are you doing?" Gwen asked Peter nicely. Before he could answer, a middle-aged woman appeared behind him.

"Oh, you must be the new neighbor. I'm May Parker. Nice to meet you," introduced May.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Gwen Stacy, but you can call me Gwen. I wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors," explained Gwen.

"I see. Come in, I have some delicious pastries."

Entering the apartment, Gwen immediately felt a sense of warmth and homey comfort. The living room was cozy, filled with family photos and personal touches that spoke of a well-loved home.

"You can sit on the couch. Want some tea?" asked May, gesturing to a comfortable-looking sofa.

"And Peter, make yourself useful and get some of our cookies, please."

"So, my friend, what sort of tea would you like?" asked May, curious.

"Green tea would be great," answered Gwen with a smile.

Five Minutes Later

Five minutes later, May returned with a steaming cup of green tea for Gwen and a plate of cookies, while Peter set another plate of cookies on the coffee table. The three of them sat on the couch, settling into an easy conversation about the new hero in town.

"Tell me, May, what do you think about the new hero in New York?" questioned Gwen, sipping her tea.

"Oh, I guess a new hero would be nice, but if I were the parent of the hero, I would be very concerned," replied May thoughtfully.

While May spoke, Gwen kept a subtle eye on Peter. He was fidgeting, shifting nervously in his seat, and his eyes darted around the room, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Jackpot, I've got you, Spider-Boy," thought Gwen, her suspicions growing stronger.

"So, Gwen, can you tell us something about yourself?" asked Peter, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

"I'm working as a scientist at Stark Industries," answered Gwen truthfully, watching Peter's reaction closely.

Peter's eyes widened slightly, and Gwen noticed the flicker of recognition. She hid her satisfaction behind a friendly smile, eager to see how this young hero would respond to his new neighbor who was, quite literally, living next door to his secret.

"Wow, Stark Industries! That must be exciting," Peter said, trying to sound casual but failing to hide his genuine interest.

"It definitely has its moments," Gwen replied with a chuckle. "But what about you, Peter? Any interesting hobbies?"

"Uh, just the usual stuff, you know, school, photography, helping out Aunt May," Peter said, his voice a bit strained.

"Peter is an excellent student and a talented photographer," May interjected proudly. "He's always busy with something."

"That's impressive," Gwen said, genuinely impressed. "It's good to see young people so engaged and active."

As the conversation continued, Gwen felt more and more certain that Peter Parker was the new hero she had been tracking. His nervousness, combined with the subtle hints she picked up, confirmed her suspicions. Now, she just had to figure out how to approach him without scaring him off.

"Well, it's been lovely getting to know you both," Gwen said, standing up. "Thank you for the tea and cookies, May. And Peter, thanks again for helping me with my luggage."

"Anytime, Gwen," Peter said with a shy smile.

"Please, come by anytime," May added warmly. "It's always nice to have friendly neighbors."

As Gwen left the Parker apartment and walked back to her own, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. She was on the verge of discovering Spider-Boy's true identity, and she was determined to protect him and guide him in this dangerous new world.

Authors note 

Hey, everybody, I'm sorry that I couldn't update the story faster. I hadn't enough time to continue writing this story. Cause of my job (I am a nurse in training). I was surprised that some readers liked my story so far, and I'm thankful for that. I will continue this story, it will take some time. 

Wish everyone the best

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