The Truth

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Saturday  one p.m  

Gwen sat on her couch, watching the news. It was now her second week on her "mission," and she already knew that Peter Parker, her friendly and awkward neighbor, was Spider-Man. She didn't have the heart to inform Tony about her success. She knew Tony too well; he would use Peter to fight against the other Avengers members. Peter was just a kid with superpowers. He should be protected, not used for battles or wars.

"Incoming news: the Avengers have split up and are now fighting at the Leipzig Airport. Wait! There is somebody else... It's the new hero in Brooklyn, Spider-Boy! Is he now a member of the Avengers or—"

Angered, Gwen turned off the television, grabbed her mobile phone, and dialed Tony's number.

"Come on, come on," mumbled Gwen nervously while chewing her nails.

After five minutes, Tony finally answered.

"Gwen, it's a bad time. Can you call lat—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Gwen interrupted.

"Hey, Dickhead! You could have informed me that you took Parker with you and used him for your plan. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? He is just a kid!" scolded Gwen furiously.

"First of all, Gwen, you decided to lie about your success. Second, I asked him and he said yes," Tony explained.

"Of course, he said yes, he is a kid!" snapped Gwen back and ended the call.

After hanging up, Gwen texted her good friend Daisy Johnson to hack into Tony's phone and locate him.

Five minutes later, she received a message with the exact coordinates. Gwen packed her suitcase, booked a flight ticket to Leipzig, Germany, got into her car, and drove to the airport.

Monday, 7 a.m.

After a long flight, Gwen finally arrived in her hotel room. Sighing, Gwen unpacked her clothes, hygiene products, and her laptop. After unpacking everything, Gwen jumped on her comfy bed and went straight to sleep.

"Zimmerservice, Frau Stacy, Zimmerservice ist da," (room service, Ms. Stacy, room service is here) called a voice from outside her door.

"Eine Minute bitte," yelled Gwen back in fluent German. (One minute, please.)

Quickly, Gwen changed her outfit and opened the door.

In front of her stood an elderly lady, holding the breakfast she had ordered.

"Hier bitteschön, Frau Stacy, Ihr Frühstück," said the lady. (Here you go, Ms. Stacy, your breakfast.)

"Danke vielmals!" responded Gwen friendly, and closed her door. (Thank you very much.)

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind.

She burst the door open and called the old lady back, "Warten Sie bitte, ich habe eine wichtige Frage!" explained Gwen to the curious woman. (Wait, please, I have an important question.)

"Die wäre?" (Which is?) asked the lady suspiciously.

"Habt ihr einen Gast, der mit dem Namen Happy Hogan hier gebucht hat?" (Do you have a guest booked here under the name Happy Hogan?) questioned Gwen.

"Es tut mir leid," responded the woman, "wir können Ihnen dies nicht verraten." (I'm sorry, we can't reveal that information.)

"Wie wäre es mit..." (How about...) responded Gwen quietly, holding out a £100 bill.

Hastily, the woman took the £100 and whispered, "Sie sind zu zweit unterwegs, er hat noch einen Jungen dabei. Sie haben die Zimmer 413 und 414." (There are two of them, he's got another boy with him. They have rooms 413 and 414.)

"Danke vielmals," thanked Gwen the old lady. (Thank you very much.)

With her new information, Gwen walked to room 413 and knocked aggressively on the door.

"Who is it?" shouted an angry voice from inside.

"Zimmerservice, Herr Hogan," mimicked Gwen.

After a few seconds, Happy opened the door.

"Oh shit, it's you!" he exclaimed.

"Oh shit, it's you!" he exclaimed

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