high school reunion

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Sitting alone in the dark for two hours was not something Gwen enjoyed. All her attempts to remove the webbing had failed. Groaning, Gwen tried again to rip the web from her body, but nothing happened. As Gwen was losing hope, the webbing suddenly dissolved. She stood up and stretched her body, trying to alleviate the pain from sitting still for so long. Walking back to her car, she pulled out her phone and sent a message to Peter, demanding that he come over to explain himself.

Once she arrived home, Gwen changed into a more comfortable outfit: a t-shirt and loose pants. She waited impatiently for Peter to arrive, her mind racing with thoughts about what she would say to him. She was angry, yes, but also deeply concerned for his safety.

As Gwen slowly drifted off to sleep, her phone suddenly rang, jolting her awake. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was Tony calling her.

"Tony, why are you calling me?" Gwen asked, her voice heavy with exhaustion and irritation.

"I gave you one job, Gwen—look out for Peter. And you failed," Tony said angrily.

"What the hell are you talking about? Is Peter okay?" Gwen asked, her shock evident.

"Yes, he's okay. I fished him out of a lake. He was following some guy with vulture wings," Tony explained.

"Oh, Peter... Why can't he just let it go? I told him he should be a normal teenager and not do these things. But you know how he is; he never listens to anyone," Gwen said, her voice weary.

"Gwen, you sound more exhausted than usual. Is everything alright?" Tony asked, his tone softening.

"Tony, I was spying on Peter to make sure he wouldn't do the Spider-Man thing. Then suddenly, there was an explosion near a park. So, Peter went there. I followed him and saw criminals handling alien weapons. Before Peter did something stupid, I tried to intervene. Long story short, Peter webbed me to the ground so I couldn't follow him for two fucking hours while you're chilling in India," Gwen explained angrily.

Before Tony could respond, Gwen ended the call, throwing her phone onto the bed with a frustrated sigh.

Lying exhausted in bed after everything that had happened, Gwen questioned her career path.

"Oh man, I should have declined Fury's offer and gone to Oxford," Gwen sighed, feeling utterly drained. "Everything would be easier—no babysitting and no Tony."

The next morning...

"Peep, peep," rang her alarm clock. Slowly, Gwen stood up and stretched her body. "What time is it?" she mumbled, still tired. As she glanced at the clock, her smile faltered. "Fuck," she muttered. It was already ten a.m.

Quickly, Gwen changed her outfit, brushed her teeth, and checked her phone to see if Peter had messaged her back.

"Of course, he didn't answer me," Gwen whined, annoyed.

As she entered her old high school, Midtown, Gwen felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. As she searched the hallways for Peter, a familiar male voice called out.

"Well, isn't it Gwendolyn Stacy! What are you doing here?" Gwen turned around and saw an old high school friend.

"Roger Harrington, what are you doing here?" Gwen smiled.

"Well, Gwen, I'm a teacher here now. But why are you here?" Harrington replied.

"I'm looking for a student named Peter Parker. Do you know where he could be?" Gwen asked, hoping her old friend could help her.

"Ah, Peter. He's one of my students—a nice kid. Why are you looking for him?" Harrington asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

"He's an intern at Stark Industries, and I work there as a scientist. Peter forgot his keys, so I wanted to return them," Gwen lied, hoping Harrington would believe her.

"Ah, yes, I've heard. Peter talks about Stark Industries a lot. He's probably in the manual workroom. Do you still remember the way?" Harrington answered.

"Yes, thank you so much, Roger. It was nice to see you again," Gwen smiled.

Before she could leave, Harrington stopped her. "Hey Gwen, could you ask Peter if he would join the Decathlon Team?"

"I can try," Gwen replied as she left.

As she walked toward the manual workroom, Gwen noticed two suspicious-looking adults pass by her. She turned to take a quick look and recognized one of them from last night. "Fuck," she muttered, quickening her pace, hoping Peter was safe. In her haste, she accidentally bumped into someone. Looking up, she recognized him immediately.

"Ned, where is Peter?" Gwen inquired urgently.

"I don't know," Ned lied nervously.

Gwen's serious expression frightened him. "He was sneaking behind those men," Ned whispered, his voice trembling.

Before Ned could say anything else, Gwen darted down the stairs, searching frantically for Peter. She found him at the bottom, looking tense.

"Peter!" Gwen called out, her voice filled with worry as she ran to him.

Peter turned, his face paling. "I'm sorry, Gwen, that I left you alone yesterday," he apologized quickly.

But Gwen ignored his apology. "Why are those men searching for you?" she asked, her worry intensifying.

Peter looked guilty. "Peter, what did you do?" she pressed.

"I found one of their weapons. It had this energy core, and then those thugs appeared. I managed to plant a tracker on them," Peter ranted quickly.

"Okay, slow down, Parker. I'll help you, but we need to be smart about this," Gwen said, cutting off his rant.

"Okay," Peter agreed.

As they headed back to the hallway, they saw Ned waiting for them. "Oh, and Peter, Mr. Harrington asked if you want to join the Decathlon club," Gwen informed him.

Ned and Peter exchanged glances. "You know Mr. Harrington?" Ned asked, surprised.

"Yes, I met him here. I was a freshman, and he was a senior," Gwen explained.

As the three of them walked through the hallway, someone suddenly called out, "Hey Penis Parker, where's Spider-Man?"

Peter quickened his pace, trying to ignore Flash. "Who is that?" Gwen asked angrily.

"That's Flash Thompson. He bullies Peter," Ned answered.

"Okay, let me handle this," Gwen announced, striding toward Flash.

"What is she doing?" Peter asked nervously.

"I don't know," Ned replied, equally anxious.

"Hey, you!" Gwen called out to Flash.

"What do you wan—" Flash started, but Gwen interrupted, pushing him against the lockers and glaring at him threateningly.

"Say one more thing to Peter or Ned, and I won't hold back," Gwen warned, her voice cold and menacing.

Flash stared at Gwen, clearly frightened, as she walked back to the boys.

"Wow," Ned said, his eyes wide.

Peter looked at Gwen, a mix of gratitude and amazement in his eyes. "Thanks, Gwen," he said softly.

"Let's focus on the problem at hand," Gwen replied, her tone serious. "We need to figure out what those men want and how to stop them."

Peter nodded. "I have the tracker data. We can start there."

Gwen took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "Then let's get to work."

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